Xbox Banhammer

My sons just got banned this morning, thats feckin 3 in a week now lol
I'm scared to turn on my Elite now, lol :)
dayu'm sorry to hear that guys, that the bans are still rolling out, W i've been wondering how you been getting on......i'm on your side mate and hope your not!
My sons just got banned this morning, thats feckin 3 in a week now lol

yep me 2 m8 all 3 banned, i wnet and bought and unbanned ms28 on ebay yesterday with a dodgy dvd drive took the drive from the working banned one spoofed the drive to play in the unbanned one then the unbanned one gets the E74 error cold solder joint under the GPU or hana chip a real pain the arse to fix. no luck for me so far lol
I've been away for a week, so my box hasn't been switched on (i hope). The last time I powered it on it connected to xbox live, so i wasn't banned at that stage.

First thing I'm gonna do when i get home is disconnect it from my network, and play games online on the PS3 in future. It's good timing really because my live subscription has just ended :)
thursday i was fine, this morning im banned lol

aww bummer, ill have to flash my other one now, but thats not HDMI :(
I have 1 out of 3 left, this one hasn't got s spoofed drive or a hdd. Played all the same games as the other 2?
My 1 week old Elite is still going strong, lol.

I've ripped the Lite-On out it and installed a 3 year old Hitachi 78, in preparation for it's return. ;)
just got banned... though i might of escaped this ban wave...

buying a new elite tomorrow, but is it just the box that is banned or is my live account dead 2?

Same here, sammy on 1.51 I think :(

Oh well lol... always got me elite :)
Finally lost both of mine today. It was always a matter of time I guess.

See if we can pick up a console cheap on ebay as Im paid up on Live until March 2010
Finally lost both of mine today. It was always a matter of time I guess.

See if we can pick up a console cheap on ebay as Im paid up on Live until March 2010

if l was u l would go to game a get a used one there ,, most on ebay r banned and if they say its not l bet it will .. at least with game u can lay the law down when u get one and return it , lads a work did without a problem
Banned !!!
Benq 1.61 firmware -

Just treated myself to MW2 limited edition 360

oh well fun while it lasted

Bring me the head of Bill Gates !!!
TBH, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.

It wasn't so long ago that online play was the stuff of Sci-Fi, now you all seem to think a console is worthless unless it can play online.

We can still play all the latest and greatest games for sweet Fook all, yet AFAICS you all want Bill Gates head, lol.

I only really use my Live connection to update my gamerscore. :)
TBH, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.

It wasn't so long ago that online play was the stuff of Sci-Fi, now you all seem to think a console is worthless unless it can play online.

We can still play all the latest and greatest games for sweet Fook all, yet AFAICS you all want Bill Gates head, lol.

I only really use my Live connection to update my gamerscore. :)

not me normal game play sucks, onlines where its at, no online and i wouldnt even own a console.
Lost mine last night , I purchased a new un today and a copy of modern warfare 2 £170 ish the other 1/2 is playing left dead 2 just now on my banned one and if and when there's a new game that requires online play i will just trade me One and only orig game in and prob put what ? A score to it tops
So maybe 2-3 times a yr will i cross MS palm with silver (excluding dl content) that i would have paid for anyhoo
The rest of the time i will continue to dl all the games i see fit and feck you Billy boy you aint achieved jack shit :Clap::Clap:but shooting ya self in the foot think of the lost revenue on subs and downloads there mugs TRUE ? ..
I have a feeling that there's possibly a new fw that may defeat them not far away and if there's not well what the hell it was good whilst it lasted ..
I tad peed like say i lost a score on a night out or fooked a good shirt peed thats as far as it goes .....hahaha
not me normal game play sucks, onlines where its at, no online and i wouldnt even own a console.

You young ones, I don't know! :)

When I were a lad...... ;)

Give me a good story line, gameplay and I'm a happy bunny. IMO, it's much better than going online and playing against fookers with Lag Switches, Rapid Fire Mods all other sorts of penis extensions.