Whats Going On ?

well i for one have been extremly busy over the last few weeks with exams and project deadlines and havent really had much time to spend alot of time on the forum, but have still been logging in daily to have a quick peak at whats going on.

the response to this thread just goes to show the love people have for DW

DW is my online home & family! there are some many great members around who are willing to help out anyone.
Not been on much as my pc is dead and i have to capture the lads laptop to get on line. I should have a pc sorted out in a day or two though. Thank god lol
also not been on much latly through work commitments still check in when i can but should be back to normal over the next week
I do check in every day but with my very limited Knowledge have not been able to get involved a lot. Looking at earlier comments weather may be a prob but rest assured it is NOTHING to do with site content & members.

im on every day other than bargain crazy and hsbc bank the only other website i come to is this one i joined a while ago back when i*v digital was about and alot has changed since then but most of it for the better we now have a great load of people who help on this forum the cable section will always be busy i am sure as if i could get cable for nowt then i would :) i have said this forum is one of the most freindly places on the net and i am sure it will always be as the mods and admin are all top quality just my 2p worth thanx again to everyone who has helped me and countless others over the time you are all superb
i love this place best on the net..maybe a lot on holidays..and i allways recomend this place place to close friends....never say die :Biggrin2:
I've only been a member for a week or so and have to say that this is the second time I have looked outside of the Dbox forum. I have been soooo busy trying to get my Dbox setup that all my online time is currently spent learning from the posts in that forum.

That said, once I have everything setup I will be boring everyone with my opinions in the other forums :) This is one of the most well balanced forums I have come across, your description of the members being people who have real lives and online lives is a spot on description of me. I spend hours in front of a PC (most of the week in fact) but I also spend a lot of time in front of a pint glass ;) Its good to find an online community that is the same :)

As for worrying about a lack of inactivity, I wouldn't worry too much. It happens to most forums around this time of year, there are a lot more parties and other reasons not to be online when the weather gets nicer :)
Hey, just wanted to add my voice of support too.

There are sooo many boards and it seems like I belong to them all, but this is a good'un so keep your chin up.

Respect to you guys for putting in the effort.

i am new aswell and donated straight away as this site helps ya, i havent donated on any sites yet this is first one and been on net for 2 years now keep it up
i try to log on to digiworldz every day just to read through the posts in the cable forums basicaly just learning about this stuff at the moment wen ive learned what i need to know maybe i will b able to help other newbies on here to. great site though, lots of helpfull people on here my mate chris1975 especially !! keep up the good work u guys !!!!!! long live digi world !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just to really reiterate what most people are saying. This is the only forum I’m a member of, and for what it offers, it is the best.

Last week, well been some what of a weird week really, what with the only team in London winning the FA Cup, scouscers picking up the champions league (did the social know they were there), and the English cricket authorities trying to convince us that the matches against Bangladesh are not a total waste of time.

I dont think you should worry. Every thing goes in cycles, if it's quite this week it probably wont be next week. This place still makes me log in every day to see whats happening. I did like the links to free films, football channels and that share place for files. I would ask what ever mods and admin decide they keep this place safe and alive, I would sure miss this is it ever got closed down.

DW Rules ok : colors1 : colors1 : colors1
Well, I got made redundant last month and I've been a bit pre-occupied with trying to get a new job - that's all.

Spot on bluesboy. I'm a tad drunk right now, but I'd agree. Everything goes round in circles. Look Mickey, we all love digital worldz. I log on once every few days, and frankly it is the best source of any info on the net. DW rocks! Admittedly, low action on the net doesn't mean low interest. (PS, I'm a Villain, but supported MU in the FA Cup final (purely to piss off my Southerner friends!))

I'd like to thank everybody at DW for making it what it is. If anybody is ever in
Brum, tell me and we'll have to get some bevies down at some point.

Frankly, playing Bangladesh is a waste of time, Birmingham rocks and imho the benefit system needs major reforms. How about rewarding those who crack any protection the cable/sat co's develop solely to encourage engineering in this country. Then see how many engineers we need to import from other countries over the next 10 yrs!
see 115 posts so its not so bad and anyway i like dw nough said(post 116)
the-dogs-nutts said:
i have noticed that m8............

its been like that for about a week now

I have noticed that also but then I havent been posting very much but always read posts, use the site and enjoy the humour. It's still the number 1 site in my books.

Cheers for all.
Nice 2B back

Nice to be back after spending 2 weeks in India on holiday. Box still working, so much canyt have changed