Whats Going On ?


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
Reaction score
just asking becuase i have not been able to get online for the last 4 days and seen we have had small amounts of posts and not much activity ?

comon people dont you remember the first place you got help or the first place you found some friends online ?

ask yourself really as so many poeple donated to the forum as where you want us to go as a site ?

i am 100% sure that most of you want us to grow and all meet nice people interested in the same kind of thing you are all ineterested in ?

look we are all dodgy over the edge and into anything illeagel and having a piss up, make no mistake of that either

if you are like me (and i know most of you aint lol your worse lmao) you have a good social life and love a beer but between that we all have a internet life that we dont like to tell about but i hope its here at digital world as that is where my loyalties lie

so think you go and download stuff illegal or not who cares but we can make this place special we just need you guys !

all of you !
i not really been on much cos of my exams and work.

once ive finished on wednesday and had my 2 week holiday in turkey :) ill be a lot more active :)

and whenever i click on a room i dont see the new posts, i think something is goin wrong for me
i check in every day m8, things are very quiet, everybody must be waiting for FTP to return m8
it has been a bit quiet for the past week or so ?
could be the hot weather......
Love This Place :p

I know im a new member and stuff but i love this place and i hope it stays around....i would donate but i have no means to ...like i ain't got a card capable of it hehe but as soon as i do man i will ;) keep this place plz!!!!
the forum is wicked the best on the net by far!!! as yes i will be donating at the end of this month on pay day!! heheheg..

some of you have been a massive help..

come on boyz keep it comin.

once again well done every one for info and help. advice.

lets big it up to the forum!!
ive not been here that long about 2 or 3 weeks but let me say this this site rocks ther is some thing for every one and i mean every one not just cable fiddlers lol and let me just say a big thanx to jimmyq its like he lives in my computer . thers only one place to be i say and thats on DW thanx ppl
I check every day and I have noticed that activity is going down. Shame because this is a great place.
Been quiet since Arsenal beat Man Who and Celtic pressed the self-destruct button.
must be in mourning.

Got busy after Liverpool won but think they all went on the P*ss. hard to type when your lying on the floor with a beer in each hand.

can't be that quiet 88 viewing this thread.
I have only just joined & have been on here every day since!!!!
I wish I had know about this site before!!
I have been helped greatly & appreciate it all!!
This site rocks!!!!!!!!!!
I check almost everyday sometimes more than once. I have noticed a decline in the amount of differing posts - where I mean the amount of different information in all groups. I do however refrain from posting just for the sake of it.
pil196 said:
ive not been here that long about 2 or 3 weeks but let me say this this site rocks ther is some thing for every one and i mean every one not just cable fiddlers lol and let me just say a big thanx to jimmyq its like he lives in my computer . thers only one place to be i say and thats on DW thanx ppl

dont worry about it mate im here most of the time and its a pleasure to help :)

it will pick up again as i said before could be the weather or it could be people waiting for a new challenge especially in the cable section

personally i think in the cable section its been slow becuase we have'nt had a roll :)

i loved it when the keys changed reguarly as the cable section used to be packed!

anyhow ive always wanted to say this I LOVE THIS FORUM :)
and i have made PLENTY of friends :) :) :)

you guys are the BUZZ

Yeah, its definitley quieter. I'm not one of the top posters on here but always try and help a fellow DW'er if they're having problems and have received help from many a colleague.
I know the majority (or was that the minority.. lol) whinged at how busy the cable section was for a while, but it was reassuring that people came here for the answers. From reading some of the (multiple) Cable help posts during that period I realised what a sterling job the Mods do and all of you are a credit to this site.
I check in everyday to see whats going on, mainly in the PC section. With the evenings getting lighter every day perhaps peeps aren't online as much as they have over the last few months.
Rest assured Mickie and the rest of the Admin/Mods, you're doing a great job here IMO, so please don't beat yourselves up about it....
Yeah its been quiet , I visit many times per day to see whats going on , dunno what the reasons are , but I know if I pop by I will get a laugh when visiting the fun and laughter section .

Whatever happens here I am sure all members can find something to chat about .
hi all ... :drink: :drink: i still check in every day to see what's going on ...........i dont know too much ......ive got a lot of help from the members on here but i always look in to see if i can help someone else
Just wait till the cable goes down then see the posts comin in
im always sticking my nose in here makes a change from my foot he he think a bit more patience with newbies after all they will become the next generation be gentle and nurture them PS im not one thanks guys you are THE BEST