Well I joined the gym today


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 24, 2003
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I had my induction today. At first she asked me what I would like to do and how many time a week, so I told her Mon, Wed, Fri cardio and Tue and Thursday weights, so she showed me how to use all of the equipment and how to use my key fob thing and get the results off it etc. Then she sat down to set my programme and said I don't think you should do the weights if you want to lose weight. I thought ha shes just trying to get out of having to sit down for 5 minutes and put all of the different weights I should be using. BITCH!

We had a mild discussion about me wanting to do the weights to increase my strength and the 3 lots of cardio would help me lose the fat I have. She was basically saying even on that program I would not lose any weight. Now I'm not stupid and I know muscle is more dense than fat and therefore heavier but surely I would not be turning into some kind of meathead body builder ???
Anyway I said I would do 1 month of pure cardio and then see. Now I've come home and thought about it, perhaps it is a good idea as it will build up strength in my corset and increase my fitness/stamina levels first.

Just annoyed me that I am the one paying to use the gym, yet I can't use it all if you know what I mean. I do want to lose some weight, and come down to around 13-14 stone, but the main thing is to lose my beer belly and trim up, then define my muscles.

I think I was just jumping in and wanting to do too much too soon.
I would have thought some light weights would have been beneficial!
Even i joined gym last year to get rid of my tummy. I worked out like mad and was in agony after two weeks...... now just reduced to 15 min cardio and light weights..... enjoying it... got stamina.........tummy under control.......
My advice take it slow.... see what suits you ... Takes nearly a year to get results.....
diet is king, you wont lose weight if thats not in order even if you hitthe treadmill everyday.

you need a clean diet but you have to eat less than you body needs a calorie deficit,

also cardio running for an hour wont be good for fat loss, you will get cardio fit as in long distance running but to lose fat you need short high intensive runs, ask them at the gym, if they know what there doing tell them you want to doo HIIT,

a good HIIT workout is the slow fast slow fast routine, depnding on how fit you are it could go like 30 secs normal pace then 30 secs like you life depends on it over and over.

if your fitter then you could do it 15 normal pace then 15 all out.

weighs ummm, theres no harm in doing some but if your in for fat loss its like chalk and cheese, to build muscle you need to eat more than your body needs to grow to lose fat you need less, that probably why they've said just do cardio.

but as i said if the diet isnt good then your pissing in the wind.

good plan is eat every 3 to 4 hrs, this keeps your metabolism going which increases fat burning add to that 5 pints of water a day, thats anther fat burner believe it or not and it reduces water bloat which some mistake for fat, not enough water = survival mode and your body stores it, same with fat you need it and if you starve your body of it then it will store it, you need good fats though not bad fats.

to lose you need a diet of 60/40/40 with less calories than your body needs (if you eat 2000cals a day then reduce it to 1500cals but still eat the right foods,no starving yourself it wont work), 60 protien /40 carbs/ 40 fat with cardio and it'll drop off. also 60 isnt 60 grams ect its the ratio.

bad diet = bad results no matter how hard you workout.

look at the comment above,*a year to sort out*
no way that long 4 to 6 weeks if done right to see good results, (size dependant but you,ll see results even if massive).
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