well heres arant bout DW

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Mar 16, 2005
Reaction score
I suggested a kids forum and members where for it but it was deleted.
I am ranting as to why?when it was perfectly legit.
Members where for it and very few where not.
The post got deleted,not as a matter of money or security as I and others agreed we would fund it and nominate a mod.
A posll was also setup and removed.WHY
I would like post setup again for all to have input into it.
your faithfully cob_ob
Im sure it would have been deleted so people could post their opinions in the poll thread?

Anyway, so many people have voted against it that it will never happen so theres no point in another thread about it.

If you really want one yu could always set up your own in VBFree i think its called. I could be an admin as i know how it works and stuff as i use to have my own and know some good sites with cool skins.

Edit: Your right bronto its still there ! lol
Apoligies,the post has not been removed,a slight misinterpration.
regards cob_ob
Now all we need is an APOLOGY ROOM. :roflmao:
cob_ob said:
Members where for it and very few where not.

I think if you check both threads you'll find that most members were against the idea.

Against: 39
For: 4
I think you need to cool down a bit m8. Going off on one without checking your facts isn't going to do your arguement any favours.
in ur first post u asked admin
and mickie d is admin he said no and i all so say no

why because this is an adult forum
why dont u do as stated open ur own forum for children??
easy enough
yossarian31 said:
what have chelsea and a submarine got in common

ha ha ha like it

what has christian ronaldo and a 45 year old masseuse got in common

at some point they are both going to be fucked by rooney

What the fook is going on

Is it silly season again already.
What's that funny smell? You smoking that whacky baccy again yossarian?

(Post gone now)
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look cobob you was told we would not be having a childrens section there is so many reasons why not to have one but the main one is i dont want one pal...

allroad was kind enough to post a poll and then there was like 70 or something against (dont qoute me last time i looked i think it was 60 something) and there was no need for the poll because it was never going to happen.

then you go on one about posts removed when they was not

and i seem to remember you posting racist topic nonsense not so long ago ether (if that was not you then i will appologise and remove this bit) now i guess you feel stupid enough for posting this in the first place so i dont have to go on anymore but in future please get all facts right before you start ranting at DW.

Mickie D
exactly what i was going to say "quote MOST MEMBERS WERE FOR IT unquote"

where exactly where you looking, from what i saw 90 odd percent said no! not yes.... i remeber you and maybe 2 or 3 others saying yes.. in the thread god knows in the poll that was posted i never looked at the final results but when i had a glance it was an outstanding negative towards it...
cob ob made a couple of errors in judgement, starting this thread was definitely one of them. He has duly been spanked by admin and mods. Why are members jumping on the bandwagon?? As far as I can see he hasn't posted since the 29th so why is this thread continuing?
I didn't agree with his idea for a childrens' section and voted against it, but he is a good member with a lot of useful posts. God help if I make a mistake and be turned on, have we all got to be very guarded in what we say?
May get some flak for this post but guess what??

I don't give a sh*t...........Chookey
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