WDTV will it play 3d MKV's in SBS format


DW Member ++
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
I was thinking of biting the bullet and upgrading to a 3D TV.
I have a first generation WDTV media player at the moment and I am pleased with it for playing my hi-def MKV movie files.
My question is, if I upgrade to a 3D TV will it be able to show 3D Side-by-side movie MKV's output by my WDTV.
I downloaded Polar Express in the above format last week and played it from my WDTV to my HD Telly and I could see the two separate images of the movie running side-by-side on my TV, does this mean that if I rig it up to a 3D telly I will be able to watch the movie in 3d ??
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
yes mate thats correct, aslong as the movie played fine and wasnt jumping or anything, and like you say you were seeing the side by side so you'll be fine, obviously if you hook a 3d tv upto it all you do is select sbs option and this merges them 2 pics together, pop ya glasses on and ya sorted bud!
cheers Big Hol, always nice to have confirmation before I take the plunge.
cheers Big Hol, always nice to have confirmation before I take the plunge.
go for it bud, get on the download tonight as there all pretty big files, then by the time ya get your 3d tv you'll have a few things to watch ;)