[wanted] Strong magnet!


Premium Member
Premium Member
May 18, 2005
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yeah unusual, but need a really strong couple of magnets, and no i have a digital meter before any one says any thing...lol

wanna magnetize me tool bits sick of them dropping out etc...lol
you want really strong magnets then get the ones from inside a harddrive job sorted get a old hardrive pull it apart
Dibbers if you have an old speaker strip it out the box and use the magnet from that. It will work a treat m8
rip the magnets out of an old hard drive they are very strong you get 2 in an hard drive
Dibbers mate you still need them magnets?

only yesterday i was about to throw away some speakers but sill got them here. I can take the magnet out from that if you need let me know.
thanks bud, as long as it's not to much hassle you know mate.
are you allowed to post magnets? i thought that strong magnets were on a list of prohibited items that royal mail wont carry?
Probably find out when it brings the royal mail machines to a stand still...lol
Magnetised material Magnetised material with a magnetic field strength of 0.159A/m or more at a distance of 2.1m from the outside of the package

i'll say it was smaller than that!
Aint posted it yet mate couldnt get to PO but will do tomorrow. I got a couple here from speakers.

Imagine putting them on the scale to check their weight and the needle being stuck lol. If he says no you can come pick it up :p
you could always make you own ,only need a nail a bit of wire and some power

ok will try the old hard drive just need to get one....how come they have massive magnetic pull? like the moon?

i'm not sure why they are so strong, but they are very strong, i took some out of an H/D and gave them to my lad he came back 10 mins later he had stuck them on our street sign and could not get them back off i had to get a screw driver under it to prise it off.
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