Want to learn to make fun flash!


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 27, 2006
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Just thought i would give it a go, any ideas of the type of files i need to make one.

any1 point me into the right direction of how to learn to make one. any tuts etc.

Good to learn so i thought i should

thanks alot
that goes for me too, want to learn for atmega, rather than relying on someone else t make it everytime they go off.
that goes for me too, want to learn for atmega, rather than relying on someone else t make it everytime they go off.

Go to downloads section mate. there's tutorials in there.
been on this week or so on another forum still a lot of learning to do but its fun wish u all the vere best of luck and naver give up
been on this week or so on another forum still a lot of learning to do but its fun wish u all the vere best of luck and naver give up

thanks, appreciate the nice comment.

i also believe it is good to learn how to do this, so we can help to produce this update, and everyone will become more independant.

can anyone send me a tut aswell please.... more than willing to learn. :)
can anyone please send me a tut aswell .... would love to learn how and share with others on forum.
if someone can send me a tut that would be good. I did a computer degree at uni, which was a few years back. But might log a few of the old brain sells lol

from what i have seen on another forum, It can be fixed. As someone who claims he can do it but wont, says to fix it think about the "the NetId setter problems on the 2110" so if anyone knows what that might meant could be helpful.
be some good fun seeing how it goes
have emailed the files to a few now
this was sent to me by another member and thanks go to him
also credit goes to the op of the tut
sorry for not posting this in my earlier offer of sending this
have emailed the files to a few now
this was sent to me by another member and thanks go to him
also credit goes to the op of the tut
sorry for not posting this in my earlier offer of sending this

Can you send them on to me aswell please i will PM you my email

Many Thanks
hi any chance you could send the tut to me as well thanks in advance