Want to learn to make fun flash!

Hi Guys,

Please forgive me and feel free to shout at me if I am being thick and mentioning anything that has already been said.

I have read this thread and it has confused the hell out of me but I am willing to give it a try anyhow.

I saw on another forum that there is a non au fix using RST, could and of the files in this fix be studied to work out the timing issues with 3.7.

Hi Guys,

Please forgive me and feel free to shout at me if I am being thick and mentioning anything that has already been said.

I have read this thread and it has confused the hell out of me but I am willing to give it a try anyhow.

I saw on another forum that there is a non au fix using RST, could and of the files in this fix be studied to work out the timing issues with 3.7.

in a word yes you could
Worked great..thanks:banana:

Im glad your happy with it but the credit goes to who ever created it.

This is also no reason to give up on the AU fix, the more people that have the knowlage to create the fixes will give us a better chance when N3 arrives.
think i might of sorted the flash out, just movin onto the keyroll side to it now, otherwise its just the same as the RST verison which will go down every roll.
plus it seems alot have given up and went for the easy option of the RST method in my view, anyway

I just wondering what source code is best to amend to use, if it's the Redneck or grape one. Im currently working with the Prune file, and 99% think i've got the timing sorted out.
would it be a case of just making sure the right emm bytes are being checked. Then just Amend it into the Prune file (which im pretty sure it is), or does it have to be it's own asm file.
don't know much about the keyroll side, so any info would be good thanks
think i might of sorted the flash out, just movin onto the keyroll side to it now, otherwise its just the same as the RST verison which will go down every roll.
plus it seems alot have given up and went for the easy option of the RST method in my view, anyway

I just wondering what source code is best to amend to use, if it's the Redneck or grape one. Im currently working with the Prune file, and 99% think i've got the timing sorted out.
would it be a case of just making sure the right emm bytes are being checked. Then just Amend it into the Prune file (which im pretty sure it is), or does it have to be it's own asm file.
don't know much about the keyroll side, so any info would be good thanks

The Prune.asm is the fun card same as grape.asm, i think astra made the prune.asm when he had a few issues with the grape.asm (but dont quote me on that) so both will work if you fix 1 of them, the redneck.asm is the atmega card and if you fix that 1 you will not have to do the keyroll as its done on the atmega (redneck.asm) the public prune/grape.asm, has not got the latest keyroll 8 with it.
hope that answers sone of your questions.
also as now u know that the redneck has the keyroll 8 in there you could look at it as a start as the work has been done, but it will again be a job that you have to get some understanding of, but again the works there so it does make it easyer.
Here is the latest keyroll decripted for you, should help.
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thanks for that info, still reading up with the keyroll side, it's very interesting and slowly going in i hope lol

From what i see, so please tell me if im wrong.

I have to change this and the block codes below it, so that it can carry on with the keyroll.

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so thats it#s 0x180 and so on etc

then change the method it used to check the keys, with the code underneath that.
part of it taken for example

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then amend that so it works along the lines of the keyroll 8 method.
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thanks for that info, still reading up with the keyroll side, it's very interesting and slowly going in i hope lol

From what i see, so please tell me if im wrong.

I have to change this and the block codes below it, so that it can carry on with the keyroll.

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so thats it#s 0x180 and so on etc

then change the method it used to check the keys, with the code underneath that.
part of it taken for example

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then amend that so it works along the lines of the keyroll 8 method.
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Yep... to help you off here is the keymask, and the way you make it is by using a logged emm as in my other post then finding out what is varible and what is not. you keep the varibles and skip over the bytes that can change for now. so you would need to make yourself a mask of an emm then know what changes and what dont. in the prune.asm it has 16 bytes of keymask but this is a full 1 that i made.. . As you are working on a AU keyroll now do you think it might be better to start a new thread? and let the members who are working on the fun/atemga card continue in here? just a thought?

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might get slagged for this, hope not??: whip :

tbh it is not very likely that anything other than a KR is gonna make a map call to 2020, personally i would be checking for the map call and only a few other items. seems like a lot of messing about with such a long keymask to me. That'll teach em to pull sneeky ones with map calls in KR's lol, you could probs test your progress by leaving the kr mask invalid inserting correct keys and seeing if the card actually runs (i will assume you already did this :))
tbh it is not very likely that anything other than a KR is gonna make a map call to 2020, personally i would be checking for the map call and only a few other items. seems like a lot of messing about with such a long keymask to me. That'll teach em to pull sneeky ones with map calls in KR's lol, you could probs test your progress by leaving the kr mask invalid inserting correct keys and seeing if the card actually runs (i will assume you already did this :))

The only reason i put up the full keymask, is because i never did one before, and i started from the beginning and done the "over the top" info to help understand what was going on were..lol then i got stuck, moved 1 step forward then 2 steps back and so on untill i realised that i was not convirting the bytes into Atmel code.. and believe me it took a long time for me to understand what i was missing...lol
its the things that are looking straight at you that you dont look at!
but it was why i put about maybe starting a new thread about the keyroll as there is a lot of info if you want to learn it all...
having sum problems creating the non updating fun file, its been a while since i done it.

not really sure what im doing wrong to be honest: im creating the inteep using the rst generator with my bk and ird and i hav the correct flash for pure area

just comes up with the hated black screen and pop up says im not subscribed etc

v+ box
having sum problems creating the non updating fun file, its been a while since i done it.

not really sure what im doing wrong to be honest: im creating the inteep using the rst generator with my bk and ird and i hav the correct flash for pure area

just comes up with the hated black screen and pop up says im not subscribed etc

v+ box

one of the things you are doing wrong is posting about that problem in this thread lol. This is about how to build your own hex for the card NOT about how to program a funcard. Just use the search button, you will find shed loads on rst funcards. If you don't make your own thread for help on that subject.
yea i had read up on the rst stuff but cudnt get to the bottom of it. tried using my spare fun and it worked, strange.

thot it was kind of related to this thread and didnt want to start a new one

problom solved now tho thanks anyway
can someone PM me the tutorial - as mentioned would be good to self learn and build new flash