VCD ( blue dye discs)


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Hi all I'd like to start downloading movies but the problem is my DVD player only plays discks with blue dye so ive heard, any body know where I can buy these cd's cheap ?
my dvd player is a Grundig HT620
not found a place to buy them but you may want to read this first as it seems that they look green to the eye

As we said, a blank CD-R disc contains a layer of dye in a
preformed spiral groove. The laser burns pits in the dye. Two
types of dye are in use: blue or gold. The blue dye, which
appears green because of the gold backing, is Cyanine. The gold
dye is Phthalocyanine.
What are the differences? Mitsui claims that gold dye is more
durable and reliable than blue dye when exposed to heat,
humidity, and light. "Unlike a Cyanine based CD-R, which shows
degeneration from continuous exposure to light and heat under
Carbon Arc Lamp testing, Mitsui's Phthalocyanine based CD-R
remains durable and remarkably stable throughout the entire test
exposure time of 180 hours.
"Mitsui CD-Rs' projected longetivity was tested by employing
the Orange Book Standard for Block Error Rate (BLER) set by the
industry for CD-Recordable media. The Phthalocyanine-based
Mitsui CD-R was subjected to 80 degrees Celsius and 85% RH for
over 1000 continuous hours, the equivalent of more than 100 years
under normal use. The Mitsui CD-R was consistently able to
retain data and outperform the Orange Book Standard."
According to Dana Paker in the Incat Systems Web pages,
"Cyanine dye is the de facto standard; the Orange Book was
written based on the original cyanine dye discs from Taiyo Yuden.
Most CD-Recorders are optimized for cyanine dye. Cyanine discs
are compatible with a wider range of laser powers.
"Phthalocyanine dye has performed better than cyanine dye in
accelerated age testing, and may work better in higher speed
recording (which requires higher laser powers.)
"However, all of these differences aside, it appears that in
most cases, the two types of discs perform in essentially the
same ways -- it's at the extremes and in the worst-case
scenarios where these differences appear most marked."
time to invest in a new dvd player. Original blue dye datasafe might have worked or arita 74's but these are no longer made.

Cheap player Alba dvd108 £69.99 with scart from Argos plays vcd/svcd with remote code. (slimline nice machine)
thanks for your replies ,time to upgrade ,seems a shame really not long had this one and it has surround sound speakers :(
Found some reports that this machine will play vcd burnt using infinity professional grade disc, priced around 41p.

cheaper than a new machine.
thanks Gareth I'll have a hunt round for those discs M8, got to be worth a try ;)
where did u read the reports gareth:)
Tried the Infinity disc's but no luck :( time for a new dvd player me thinks ;)
been to bowlers in manchester today and thay are knocking out silver blue grade a at 40x at £15 for 100. they are also telling peeps that you need to be using these blue dye disks for vcds as s/s and s/g are bobbins!!!
(bobbins meens s**t for you guys outside madchester :p ;) )
done it :) i used a cdrw and cor blimey m8 it works, yipee:mexican: :mexican:
used them before Scoot good site ;) very quick delivery :Clap: :Clap: