Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in England


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Feb 21, 2013
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Scheme to run for two years and will be monitored to see what effect it has on mental and physical health

A universal basic income of £1,600 a month is to be trialled in England for the first time in a pilot programme.

Under the pilot programme, 30 people in two areas will be paid an unconditional lump sum each month for two years, with the participants observed to better understand the effects on their lives.

Two places in England have been selected for the micro pilot scheme, central Jarrow in north-east England and Grange, East Finchley in north London.

In the pilots, 15-30 people would receive £1,600 a month for two years.

Universal basic income of £1,600 a month to be trialled in two places in England
"Will Stronge, the director of research at the thinktank Autonomy, which is backing the plan, said of the £1,600 figure: “This is a substantial amount."

In what year was it a substantial amount?? 😂

Universal basic income. Wonder if the recipients will still get their rent and Council Tax paid??
Genuine claimants shouldn't have to be constantly worried about buying food or using energy. If they're anything like me though their expenditure will change due to their increased income.
When I was earning extremely well I lived extremely well. I also saved more but it was still probably the same percentage of my income.

Will be great for the lucky few so long as they don't mind being monitored for 2 years. The real inconvenience would come in 2 years time when the extra help is withdrawn. The clever ones will find a job pronto and save as much of that £19k per year as they possibly can.

Turns out the scheme isn't limited to those claiming benefits. Even those who are working can be considered regardless of income. There will be 30 chosen for it and 30 in a "control" group who will not receive it. They will be monitored to see how they compare.

Well I can save them half a million quid right now. Those who get the money will be very happy and likely to have improved mental and physical health. Those who don't get it and are on legacy benefits or low pay will continue to suffer socially and mentally. Those who don't receive it but have well paid jobs will continue to live well and some may prosper.

It's a given that those who receive it will benefit greatly whereas the control group will see no difference whatsoever.