Unable to view my own profile


Inactive User
Oct 2, 2013
Reaction score
Every time I click on "My profile" link at the top I'm getting error page saying "you do not have permission to access this page." Hey, what's so terribly wrong with my profile, that I'm not allowed even to see it?
You need more posts M8 - I don't know why, someone like Rat or Mick will have to answer that one :)

Welcome BTW!
It also is a deterrent for bots and spammers joining up and editing there profiles immediately :)
Uh, thanks for clearing things up. I've never heard of spammers and bots editing their profiles, despite I was admin of another forum (and wrote phpBB hacks for it too) for few years.

Btw, if I had such problem I'd better wrote something like this:
You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.
replacing submit button with text if user posts has less than 1 approved post, thus making the profile read-only.
Uh, thanks for clearing things up. I've never heard of spammers and bots editing their profiles, despite I was admin of another forum (and wrote phpBB hacks for it too) for few years.

Btw, if I had such problem I'd better wrote something like this:
You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.
replacing submit button with text if user posts has less than 1 approved post, thus making the profile read-only.

Homepage link spamming is one of the most popular kinds :eek:.
Uh, thanks for clearing things up. I've never heard of spammers and bots editing their profiles, despite I was admin of another forum (and wrote phpBB hacks for it too) for few years.

Btw, if I had such problem I'd better wrote something like this:
You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.
replacing submit button with text if user posts has less than 1 approved post, thus making the profile read-only.

Nice Dan ;)

I like that idea.

for vbulletin it would be as easy as a template conditional to allow the submit button.

You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.
Nice Dan ;)

I like that idea.

for vbulletin it would be as easy as a template conditional to allow the submit button.

You don't have permission to view the code content. Log in or register now.


The only issue with that would be a bot would not use a brower as such it would be programmed and could just use the operators in the URL to submit it... without making a plugin or a hard edit of the file it might be tricky ;)

I also write my own plugins and hacks, I never publish them though, just for DW... mainly caching and optimization small modifications.

Spectre found a chinese bot setup a whole mirrored shop via their profiles lol... genius really though, it is fascinating to be fair.

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a chinese bot setup a whole mirrored shop via their profiles
Hmm. Looks like I'm left a bit behind all those modern inventions :) But is it such a problem to introduce some kind of bot/browser check?

For such things I can think of instantly... Maybe, a hidden field in form with, say, triple hashed session id in it? It won't take much resources if implemented. And if the resulting code is not sent along with form contents or is incorrect - you'll know for sure that someone tries tinkering with forum engine. And take appropriate action, of course.
To be honest though @Dan5249 do newbies really need to edit their profiles?

Not much to do in that department anyway :)

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Well, if you look at original post, I asked only about viewing, not editing. For finding my posts and themes I was interested in, for example. Can't say if it is really there on this forum, since I'm unable to look at profile page.

And regarding your question. This opportunity will make a nice honeypot for catching spammers, won't it?