(U) or (E)?


Inactive User
Jan 3, 2008
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I was just wondering which type of rom is better to download? I think it has mostly to do with framerates and borders, and I have a feeling it may matter depending on the emulator, for instance I tried a (U) rom of all stars+ world on SNES-station (for PS2), it ran at full speed but was in black and white on my old portable tv. I then tried the (E) version which was in colour but suffered from slowdown, I've since updated the version of snes station (latest HDD version) and the (E) works to (apparent) full speed with some strange sound glitches every now and again. So i ask, which is generally better to download (U) or (E). Thanks for any help
I was just wondering which type of rom is better to download? I think it has mostly to do with framerates and borders, and I have a feeling it may matter depending on the emulator, for instance I tried a (U) rom of all stars+ world on SNES-station (for PS2), it ran at full speed but was in black and white on my old portable tv. I then tried the (E) version which was in colour but suffered from slowdown, I've since updated the version of snes station (latest HDD version) and the (E) works to (apparent) full speed with some strange sound glitches every now and again. So i ask, which is generally better to download (U) or (E). Thanks for any help


E = Europe

U is designed for NTSC hence the black and white. E is designed for PAL and should work as if you bought the game. If your getting glitches, try another version of the rom.
Yeah i knew what they stood for, just wondering which was better, thanks.
I use both for the DS depends on what your system can play i suppose the game are just the same as someone has stated its just pal and nstc excetra