Town moves against Islamic school

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TRUE but if it's an objection against Muslims wanting to build a school or Mosque they call you RACIST

Lets all chant BNP,BNP NONE

why do you feel the need to make a comment like that? The BNP has nothing to do with Australia.
Lol,you've been doing that on this forum for several years now under different usernames.:Laugh:

He speaks his mind and doesn't talk in riddles, you could learn a lot from him.
Lol,you've been doing that on this forum for several years now under different usernames.:Laugh:
Mr Nara m8 you and all your PC clan are the very reason why the people of this country are turning to the BNP.

any subjects on islam/muslim is gets alot of views and comments.
some fair and others unfair.

lifes boring.
Mr Nara m8 you and all your PC clan are the very reason why the people of this country are turning to the BNP.

I dont think this has anything to do with being PC at all, its a discussion about a school full stop.

The BNP has nothing at all to do with this.
Cloud of doom?

How much do you know about islamic teachings/beliefs? i think you should go and study it.. i know enough and i can safely say you're so WRONG!

i know enough about it m8 . i know that i didnt slag of the religion i said islamic laws were stupid and some are very stupid . but hey im just a stupid roman catholic

beany_123456 you hypocritical clown

post 88-They're probably catholic so you expect them to be stupid and FOS

so your saying all catholics are stupid and full of s**t

and why would that be,and what would your reply be if someone on this thread stated

"there muslim so you expect them to be blah blah blah"
post getting outa hands.
very likely THIS will be closed soon.

hey wait another muslim/islam thread on the horizon


Can I ask just one question, off topic a bit ?

Why is it we rip the piss out of every culture on the planet and everyone join's in but mention muslims and a wall goes up and you shout racist ?

Look in fun and laughter room, scot's welsh ect ect all get a hammering on a daily basis, now if I posted a muslim joke (in good humour) I would be pounced upon by the pc crew.

What the fook is that all about then ?

Answer's on a postcard to :- I have doubled standards, po box whogivesafook

I do not have the answer but I have found this post in another thread
Nobody objected to this

would you trust this man with your children ? :p


But if I was to put this how many objections ?would you trust this man with your children ?
It was an example to a question by Dutcho

would you mind posting the link to the thread you are quoting then, so we can make our own minds up about it then?

I am pretty sure you could have made the same impact without the pictures.
BNP, National Front, Israelis, racist members of this forum or any other non-muslim tom dick and harry can't stop ISLAM from spreading... It's the fastest growing religion, so live with it....

Hopefully one day i'll revert to ISLAM :BLOBBY:
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