Top 10 - 20 boxes


Inactive User
Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
Glasgow, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
A top 10 or 20 boxes list maybe done with a member vote then when list made up tutorial's download link's all in the same area. Also on main page as there are more and more boxes becoming available should there not be individual sections for each box.
I realise that but after that the next boxes like alien ariva and others are all over the place in one section. That's why I also suggested a top 10 -20 section with tutotrials and downloads all in there after a vote.
Is this for satellite?

Sorry I am just trying to imagine it all lol.

So a forum in the satellite section for top 20 boxes, then from this forum you would post polls?


i think hes wanting sections for some of the newer boxes that are in the other receivers thread.

idea is that some of these boxes are popular now, info would be easier to locate if they were in their own section
Poll first for top 20 boxes voted by members ( Not it's own forum just a vote ) and better section for boxes that are becoming more popular. with clear tutorials and downloads.

Sorry maybe I should have had these as two separate ideas.
Well abp1873,

Make the poll you want voted on, I will make it a sticky for you.

Then we can go on from there adding new box forums to the site :)

Give me a shout when you have set it up.

Is this for satellite?

Sorry I am just trying to imagine it all lol.

So a forum in the satellite section for top 20 boxes, then from this forum you would post polls?

So my matchbox collection is of no use then. :(
nah miggs neither the ones u use for storing all your united and Rick Astley gear in :p
e,g, what are you're favourite boxes.

dvb 800

Etc. I have to admit i would have no clue on how to set up a poll with a list of 10 - 20 boxes for a vote.
e,g, what are you're favourite boxes.

dvb 800

Etc. I have to admit i would have no clue on how to set up a poll with a list of 10 - 20 boxes for a vote.

All you have to do Is start a sticky thread sommick like What is your Real Dream Box, What box would you like to own if you could afford it or what box do you own, and would not change it please no posts or long story just name your Real Dream Box . Example------->
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Then after a week or so count up the boxes and you will find your top 20 just an Idea or something along those lines might work best.
Personally at the moment I think we have most boxes covered,you cannot create sections for every box,its not worth it for the sake of one or two files,

But obviously if there is a popular one we are missing then let us know,

This is my opinion and may or may not tally with the rest of the staffs views :)

Sent from my Ployer Momo 12