TM800 Remote Control Problem


Inactive User
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score

I have received my TM800 and have installed the latest TM800-UR-1.0.0-02/06/10 firmware. Generally ok.

The main problem I am experiencing is with the remote control. At times it is very unresponsive and bizarrely at others times it is way too sensitive. By this I mean, when I press a button, it is as if I have double clicked it.

Is this a problem others are experiencing? I am not sure if this is firmware related and will be sorted as the firmware matures, of if my remote/box is faulty.

since flashing, have you carried out a factory reset m8?
I tried a factory reset, unfortunately the problem remains. It is as if the buttons a sticking slightly.
It's a firmware issue mate.

Sometimes the box lags and the remote appears unresponsive, other times it's as if the remote is sending too many instructions.

Usually on a Linux box there would be an option to adjust the sensitivity of the remote but at this stage I don't see it in the setup menu.

Don't worry, as the image matures I'm sure all these little niggles will be sorted.