TM6900hd super combo 752p firmware


Inactive User
Apr 21, 2013
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Hi all just wondering if someone can please point me to 752p phantom patch as i've been searching for ages and cant find it. Many thanks. Excalibre. :) Also is this the best patch ? as I've read that 726p or 737p seem to be more in favour. maybe someone can point me to all files and I can try them out cheers :)
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Hi all just wondering if someone can please point me to 752p phantom patch as i've been searching for ages and cant find it. Many thanks. Excalibre. :) Also is this the best patch ? as I've read that 726p or 737p seem to be more in favour. maybe someone can point me to all files and I can try them out cheers :)

try download center,regards mdt

Thanks for replying Andrew but when I try the link I get this page cannot be displayed ? is the link down ?
Thanks for replying Andrew but when I try the link I get this page cannot be displayed ? is the link down ?

i removed the " tt " so as not to post a live link... just replace these and remove the s from downloads and it should work,regards mdt
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