Technomate - Al Jazeera Card not working since Phantompatch/Softcam Key

Good evening,
I did the reset and then installed the tm patch only. Then I did as is above, then popped the card back in and in and the channels are still scrambled.
How frustrating. Any other ideas? Thanks for all the help so far
I'd want to rule out bad or corrupted settings so I would get myself a free 24h cccam trial with someone who has jsc sports.
If that opens the channels, you confirm it's card or reader related rather than your dish pointing the wrong way or on the wrong transponder etc. We can't discuss card sharing much here, but can discuss by pm.
An afterthought. I just saw your receiver model. I don't know the 5300m or if it does cccam easily, so my suggestion might not be that straightforward.
Can you try the card in someone elses receiver?
Hi again jammer2209,

...the channels are still scrambled.
How frustrating. Any other ideas? Thanks for all the help so far

The only other thing I can suggest... is that you try loading an earlier version of the TM Original Software...

Best Wishes,
Hi again jammer2209,

Just to confirm... this is the model in question...?

TM-5300 D+ M2 Super+

Best Wishes,
Hi again jammer2209,

The attached file is the only earlier TM Original Software I could find for...

TM-5300 D+ M2 Super+

Best Wishes,
Yeh, that's the received I have. Thank you - I'll try that this afternoon and get back you.

Thanks everyone for your input. Regarding cardsharing, I don't have a null modem cable and I only have a desktop machine at the other end of the house so that's not an easy one.

I'll try that software and reckon I know someone who can test the card for me. Thanks again

Hi again jammer2209,

The attached file is the only earlier TM Original Software I could find for...

TM-5300 D+ M2 Super+

Best Wishes,
Hi Zorch

This software doesn't load as it's not the "m2" one.

Kind regards

Hi again jammer2209,

The attached file is the only earlier TM Original Software I could find for...

TM-5300 D+ M2 Super+

Best Wishes,
Hi again jammer2209,

Sorry about that mate... in which case I can't help you any further... as I cannot find any earlier O/S for the TM-5300 D+ M2 Super+

Perhaps another forum member might have an earlier O/S version that you can try...

Best Wishes,
Last edited:
Your card was working pre f/w updates. You say flashing with official f/w does not fix it. Therefore you need phone technomate and demand to know why when you've just reflashed their official f/w your official viewing card no longer clears. Another bloody tm f/w cock up! Get a refund and buy a non tm box that will work with your official card and cccam, newcamd, etc.

WTF is going on, tm are stuck in reverse??!!
Dear all,

Sorry for the delay. I spoke to the blokes who set it all up for me, and he reckons the card needed to be reset. So in the middle of last week I sent the card off to the people I bought it from and just missed getting it back in time for the bank holiday weekend. Popped it in the receiver yesterday and all my al Jazeera channels are working.

The fault must have happened in the small time period between when the channels last worked and when I patched it.

I didn’t want to post an update until I knew one way or another as everyone has already been so helpful. Thanks again guys – hugely appreciated 

Kind regards
Lucky for jammer2209 the required aftercare laid elsewhere.