Sugar and Weight


Worldz Biggest Oddball
VIP Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Colorado Lounge
Can sugar actually put weight on you?

Where i used to work, all the girls would be on the diet coke and would avoid normal coke at all costs as if it could put several pounds on them. lol

I used to argue with them that the amount of weight it could put on if any would be unnoticeable and it's the least of their worries. I would argue that the sugar would give a bit of energy that could burn up callories.

Needless to say my words fell on deaf years. lol

Have i got it all wrong??
are these the girls who have 4 cakes, 3 bags of crisps, 2 choc bars, one weight watchers cookie, and a diet coke?

theres a guy who lives by me, sits by the local shop, munches through big baguettes, crisps, bags of chips, then has a diet coke

even though his gut is hanging lower than his knees, like the diet coke is gonna make ANY difference after shovelling 12,000 calories into his cake hole lol
If calories from carbohydrates are not used it is converted into glycogen and stored in the liver and muscles. If the body does not need to store glycogen then it is converted to fatty acids and stored as fat.

Too much of any foodstuff can be stored as fat.
Hi mate, sugar is deffo one of the most dangerous stuff we consume everyday imo, because you can easily consume a lot of it without feeling full like with solid food. I cut out soft drinks for a month and lost 3kg, absolutely nothing else changed, only coke was substituted for water. Also about diet drinks, there have been studies where it shows that the sweetener in them actually causes people to feel hungrier, which causes them to eat something with the diet coke, which causes them to gain even more weight.

As with everything, sugar in moderation will be good for you, as long as people don't scoff soft drinks (very high sugar) and sweets/cakes, they should be fine although imo we should be cutting sugar out of our diet as we have survived in the past without it
Maybe the people who avoid sugary drinks are diabetic and can't handle refined sugars.

I see people eating 'unhealthy' food all the time with diet drinks. I just assume that their bodies can not deal with sugar in it's refined form.
There is also a potential evidence to show that diet drinks are no good for you as the body thinks its had sugar due to taste but does not receive it so it craves sugar anyway. Also too much of one food is not good for you so everything in moderation.

Best thing is cut out all soda drinks and stick to water.
Cheers for the replies,

I think Digi sums up the diet coke placebo effect. It's like people who drink 15 pints and abuse substances all weekend, they then drink mineral water in the week and it gives them the false illusion that it has compensated for the weekend. lol
in theory i should be a huge fat monster then lol, i drink red bull and fruit juices during the day, and lager during the night. i live on junk, MaccyD's for breakfast (if i have breakfast that is) then as im on the road all day, crap from garages, burger vans or KFC, and in the night, a take away, or something cooked at home but probably just as healthy as a take away lol, and end the day with a relaxing joint (or 3)
in theory i should be a huge fat monster then lol, i drink red bull and fruit juices during the day, and lager during the night. i live on junk, MaccyD's for breakfast (if i have breakfast that is) then as im on the road all day, crap from garages, burger vans or KFC, and in the night, a take away, or something cooked at home but probably just as healthy as a take away lol, and end the day with a relaxing joint (or 3)

There isn't a problem if you use the energy.

Work out your calorie intake for a typical day ;).
It's a bit painstaking but weigh out your food and drink :).
Try using a calculator, something like this h**p://
as ive been in work all day, EVERYTHING ive eaten has been in packets, and the few that wasnt i found online. so far today, without including the full chicken dinner the missus has cooked, 2 or 3 cans of lager ill have after it my intake today has been

3247 calories

and its been a pretty average day, sometimes i may have an extra burgervan munch on top as well

im sure i read somewhere that the average needed is 2000? i may have imagined that though, and i do NO excersise, i couldnt run if my life depended on it (but if theres a police dog behind me id be gone in a flash lol) but i do spend all day walking back and fore the van, climbing, carrying ladders etc

just for my own curiousity im wondering about buying one of those counter things you clip onto your belt that says how many calories you burn during the day from the movement it detects, but i dont know if itd be accurate as i dont only walk, i climb a lot and carry 15Kg sets of ladders up onto roofs etc
just googled 'how many calories in a sunday dinner' and it averages 530-850, so if i said 680, plus 330 for 2 cans of lager (33 per 100ml) than thatd put me around 4200 calories per day

that cant be right? theres no way im eating more than twice the normal amount and still only 11 stone wearing a wet jacket??? im not that active in work lol
You need to have a look at BMR like this NHS one here, Enter age, sex, weight and height. Then apply the multiplier based on your activity. if you have a heavy physically demanding job and exercise as well then multiplier goes up to 1.9

BMR Calculator - Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR)

But weight is only a small part of the equation about being healthy. You can measure your cardio / fitness level using a very simple beep test. Basically involves running between two cones a set distance apart. The time you have to make the run decreases over time and how many runs you managed gives you your fitness level. You can download the mp3 of the timing for free on several sites.

Multi-stage fitness test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also its also very easy to be within BMI and look healthy but you should think about getting your cholesterol level checked. Of course medication can also have an effect on your weight and how your metabolism.

Finally, something you can't do much about is genes. Somebody can eat like a house, sit on the sofa all day and look thin and others just have to walk past a chip shot and put on lb.
I think like digi i'm in the last class oneman.
All my life i've eaten what i want , drank what i've wanted and allways stayed at 10st 7 oz.
That is untill 2 years ago when my garage was burned down by an arsonist and i decided to take things a bit easier.
Now i've put on a stone and a halve !!
Everyone burns calories just to keep there body alive at a resting rate so things like just breathing and your internal organs etc. doing what they should all uses energy and this is different for everyone so someone may burn 500 calories to stay alive for the day were as someone may just burn 100....clever thing the body lol.
Everyone burns calories just to keep there body alive at a resting rate so things like just breathing and your internal organs etc. doing what they should all uses energy and this is different for everyone so someone may burn 500 calories to stay alive for the day were as someone may just burn 100....clever thing the body lol.

That is called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), and the link I have posted gives you an idea for what yours will be based on averages.
when you eat, carbs break down into sugars which cause your body to release insulin which stores energy as glycogen in your muscles as a quick energy source and any excess (calories) is stored as fat. eating refined sugar which breaks down the fastest or simple carbs which also break down fast causes an influx of sugar so your body responds by pumping out large quantities of insulin. more insulin = more energy stored as fat. this is why cakes for example are so fattening, they have lots of sugar that triggers lots of insulin but they also have lots of fat which is high in calories, therefore more of it is stored as fat on your body