Some twonk selling the pandora gui I made on ebay!


Inactive User
Mar 20, 2007
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Check this twat out selling the FREE gui I made - item number 300150917461

What an asshole, I made this free for everyone and this prick is selling it to noobs - what a dick! fooking last time I make stuff and post it on the net. I have some stuff on my laptop that will never see a public release, and it because of twats like this benefitting finantially from other peoples work.
Check this twat out selling the FREE gui I made - item number 300150917461

What an asshole, I made this free for everyone and this prick is selling it to noobs - what a dick! fooking last time I make stuff and post it on the net. I have some stuff on my laptop that will never see a public release, and it because of twats like this benefitting finantially from other peoples work.
get it pulled tell ebay that you hold copywrite to it

has this at the bottom

£1.00 from every sale will be donated to TEAM C+D

looks like money going back to where the fix originated
i know u made a front end for there fix
what u want to say is if u use my program i want recogintion
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Already sold. Have posted the fud a question. Should be possible to 'spoil' all his future sales. Then again, I've had a few scoops & just want to kick his head in.
It wouldn't bother me if he was just selling it for £1 then donating all that money to team c+d - but the cheeky twat is charging £2.50 postage for a download link......WTF, maybe i should make my own listing on ebay and sell it for £0 - would I get charged a listing fee for this?
Check this twat out selling the FREE gui I made - item number 300150917461

What an asshole, I made this free for everyone and this prick is selling it to noobs - what a dick! fooking last time I make stuff and post it on the net. I have some stuff on my laptop that will never see a public release, and it because of twats like this benefitting finantially from other peoples work.

some people are arseholes
we on DW are really greatfull u made it in the first place m8,and would never dream of making a profit from it.
dont let that arsehole put u off ,keep up the good work as some of us apreiciate ur work m8.
It wouldn't bother me if he was just selling it for £1 then donating all that money to team c+d - but the cheeky twat is charging £2.50 postage for a download link......WTF, maybe i should make my own listing on ebay and sell it for £0 - would I get charged a listing fee for this?
can we buy it and try find his email see if he is from here?
it's just the same with dbox/dreambox images. the assholes will do anything to make money.
i guess you could email him and hope for a reply. that way you could possibly find his email address?.
but it could be anybody who's done it. it was posted up on psp-hacks the day after it was released here. not sure if mrdude knew that or not.
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I've sent a friendly email, let's hope for a reply!

mrdude, why not set up your own auction for a Buy-It-Now of £0.00 and P&P £0.00 and put your own link to somewhere free that they can download it from. At least it will stop them making money from it!

He might even mail you to have a go at you lol. Then you can possibly get his email address from that.
sent him a message on ebay

Dear prem1security,
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]wouldnt it be nice if u had asked the person who wrote this program would it be ok to sell it
[FONT=Arial, Verdana][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]got this back[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Verdana]Get A life mate[/FONT]

fookin tw@t

report him to ebay selling copywrite software
Already sold. Have posted the fud a question. Should be possible to 'spoil' all his future sales. Then again, I've had a few scoops & just want to kick his head in.

My question was;
Dear prem1security,

Do you own the intellectual copyright to this? Yes or no answer will suffice.

Response was;
take a wild guess then ask the author the same question...........

- prem1security

IMHO Ebay should be clamping down on people like this but they won't 'cos it's more money in their pockets. Bottom line, if their fees are getting paid they don't care.
Freeware needs a splash screen or summat on main form stating if you bought this you were skanked. A bit like DVD Shrink did.

He's a B@st@rd for ripping you off. :Kickassro
Why not find out where it is hosted...then either get it removed so that he has to find another link....or if it is his...complain to his hosting company....and get it pulled or his account cancelled....

Fookin asshole....I hate people like this.....
What an idiot! He obviously doesn't give a monkeys about what he is selling as long as he gets the money for it