Snow Watch 2010

Aye, that blackburn in lancashire by the way, just been out with the dog and ma boy, coming down pretty thick, missus is in blackpool tonight, shes says its REALLY bad over there, with any luck she wont be able to get back tomorrow, and i can go out on the martial arts crimbo do on me own ;) lol
To all of you wishing for it,i hope you get all of mine,and keep it for ever !
one from my now cleaned CCTV camera, had to bloody evict a massive spider to get it clear lol, he wasnt for budging....................


am a few miles down the road from you burnley area and its nothin to what you got just a very lite dustin of snow

and btw crackin img aswell nowt like my camera,might have to invest in summat simaler
burnley ;) i fecking hate footy mate, so there be no banter betwen us lo.

heres an update


stopped for now but its pretty thick, very light though so if it get a little warmer tomorrow it`l all be gone ;)

p.s. just took that snapshot now.

heres a couple of the software, you can tell xiang is a chinaman, obviously the chinese equivelant of "MASTER" means something completely different in chinese.



everone will have to excuse my spelllings, my keyboard and mouse are fooked, `im gone past the alcohol limit now to care, but keys are failing all the time, i cant even buy one as its a `christmas present`........
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Snow bad here.. yay 4-5 inch.. sledge time.. forget christmas shopping..
got around 2-3 inches here, and only had light snow on and off since yesterday afternoon, yet were supposed to be having heavy snow most of today so snowman time for me and the nephew later. Unfortunately Im on call this weekend though so hoping i don't get called out to work in it again like lastnight!
Had about 4 inches here in North West started at 9pm last night and stopped I believe about Midnight.

They stopped the Taxi's at 10:30 so people have been stranded in town till first buses ran this morning.
been snowing heavily here now for around the past 3hours hasnt stopped.I really hate how snow disrupts everything UK is useless in this weather everything just stops lol
been snowing heavily here now for around the past 3hours hasnt stopped.I really hate how snow disrupts everything UK is useless in this weather everything just stops lol

Funny thing is.. bet you cant drive in the snow.. bet you wouldn't if your boss told you to work in the snow.. ??

Its the people what make the UK useless.. not the country :)
Funny thing is.. bet you cant drive in the snow.. bet you wouldn't if your boss told you to work in the snow.. ??

Its the people what make the UK useless.. not the country :)

Im sorry i don't agree with that i spoke to a city link guy the other day and they are working 7 days all day to catch up, royal mail are working sundays and late.

Trains can not run in snow buses can't nor taxi's. My missus wanted to go to work but her car would not seem to move through 3 foot of snow, wierd eh.
Im sorry i don't agree with that i spoke to a city link guy the other day and they are working 7 days all day to catch up, royal mail are working sundays and late.

My missus wanted to go to work but her car would not seem to move through 3 foot of snow, wierd eh

City link and the Royal mail can drive?? but not your misses??
City link and the Royal mail can drive?? but not your misses??

No no im talking about now the snow has gone they are working weekends and evenings to catch up.

I also said,buses and taxi's and trains could not run during the snow not just my missus.