Skybox F5s Sky f5s


VIP Member
VIP Member
May 13, 2013
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Hi all, my dad bought 1 of these a while ago and was working fine but now hes only geting a handfull of channels, i took the box to mine to c if i can get it working, put another line in and a ajs channel list but on most channels it says scrambled or invalid program, signal is 75%
Did you try erasing the channel list on the box, running a scan again for the correct satellite (Astra 28.2 or equivalent) and then installing a new channel list ? These boxes can be quite temperamental. Often its' best to start from scratch. I would recommend going to transponder, ensuring it's set correctly (Eutelsat 28A or Astra 28 or similar) and then scanning. Then you can upgrade by USB and copy across your TP_PROG.dbs file (for the channel list). If you get stuck you're more than welcome to PM me and I'll help you out with channel lists etc. and settings - not an expert but usually I get things working eventually !
I done all if the above but couldnt get it working as it should, tryed 2 diffrent channel lists, even tryed update filmware and said file mismatch, hes took it back to were hes got it, thanks for the info mate
Yes done all that, i would get some channels to clear outhers would not, some would be 5% signal outhers 75%
its nothing to do with the box, its sky hitting these types of boxes with some some kind of tuner frequency hit so im led to beleive, had mates at work ask me about this at work, personally never had one..
back your line channel list up and reflash with latest firmware see if that works
Its on its way back to were he got it i gave him my cloud box untill he gets it sorted thanks for the info
well thats what i was told, as some mates at work were getting same issues...probably may need rescanning with correct frequencies as frequency may have changed on some channels or may have moved transponder..
back your line channel list up and reflash with latest firmware see if that works

Hi There bobby123

I'm new to the forum and new to F5S. Can I please ask how to back up my channel list and reflash?
What exactly (laymans' terms, if you can please?) is reflash and again what is and how do I get the latest firmware?
Thanks in advance