Sinus operation what should i expect ?


Inactive User
Mar 27, 2005
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summy wales
I have to go to have a Sinus operation after years of trouble with them , constant headaches ,infections that spread to my chest , pressure pain , thb ive had more days feeling like crap from this that you can imagine and i have known what it was but just kept putting it off :banana:.
Anyway i decided enough is enough and opted to take the surgeon up on his offer to operate , I will say i have a fooking huge phobia of hospital i hate the palace i get up tight and grouchy just getting near the place ...

So i had a quick read on the net and it seems they do this via an endoscope nowadays but what i really want is imput from pepes that have had this done
and the low down on post op !!

As i say ive been in pain with them on/off for years and i handle pain ok but i just wan know is it worth having them done pros/cons etc

i have read the shit about spinal fluid and bleeding eyes so keep that poo to ya self i don't want some tool feeding my phobia thanks !!!!
Did it work for you are ya glad ya had them done ??

I wouldn't recommend this op. I know 2 people that have had it done and both say that it did not help in the long run. I think all they do is scrape out the insides of the nasal area so you'll get mild temp relief once the swelling has gone down after the op, but after that it's back to life as normal.

Have you tried daily saline solutions? It is a must that you perform breathing exercises through your nose. I practice Chi Kung and it has helped my sinus problems significantly. Have a read of [ame=""]this[/ame] book if you want more info.

I don't think there is any harm in having the op, just no benefit either.
my mam and a friend had this done.

it was the worst thing they ever did, and were 10 times worse.

mate has a permanent oxygen mask now, and my mam had the nostril holes enlarged with a drill, and made it worse.

it would be less painfull getting your eyes gouged out with a spoon. and the hole filled up with vinegar.
it would be less painfull getting your eyes gouged out with a spoon. and the hole filled up with vinegar.

That's put the OP's mind at ease then........:Hit:
thx for responding was this recently prior to the endoscope type surgery ?
i know the old way was brutal and had few posative results !
its not that a can't breath trough my nose its not blocked to be blunt
i get a shit load of mucus that spreads the infection to my chest regularly due to chronic sinusitis !! and this results in me having coughs and also i get chronic fatigue where i just feel like crap and get flu like symptoms
due to infections and ya cant just keep taking antibiotic's ....
All this from my Sinus genuinely You would not believe they could course so many problems i get a headache like pain @ the front of my head regular if i go out in the cold its a dead cert , Ive had this dilemma do i or don't for a couple of years
HAS any one had a posative outcome !!
I've had this done some 15 years ago and would never go through it again,
You end up with black eyes and tampons stuck up your nose :banana:: thats just to stop the bleeding though Nowt Else ,
and for what 3 or 4 months of relief because thats as long as it lasts
before the problem comes back

I still get a lot of discomfort and sometimes pain (not from the op but from the problem itself)
and just take pain killers now
My aunty has had it done three times now.

She says she wouldn't recommend it at all.

The problem is, is it is the last option.
When you have it done, you can only have it done again.

Poor Primo ;)

@ TheEqualizer . . . if it was so bad then why did your aunt go back another twice? :err:

I have to go to have a Sinus operation after years of trouble with them , constant headaches ,infections that spread to my chest , pressure pain , thb ive had more days feeling like crap from this that you can imagine and i have known what it was but just kept putting it off :banana:.
Anyway i decided enough is enough and opted to take the surgeon up on his offer to operate , I will say i have a fooking huge phobia of hospital i hate the palace i get up tight and grouchy just getting near the place ...

So i had a quick read on the net and it seems they do this via an endoscope nowadays but what i really want is imput from pepes that have had this done
and the low down on post op !!

As i say ive been in pain with them on/off for years and i handle pain ok but i just wan know is it worth having them done pros/cons etc

i have read the shit about spinal fluid and bleeding eyes so keep that poo to ya self i don't want some tool feeding my phobia thanks !!!!
Did it work for you are ya glad ya had them done ??


Hi mate, I have had the same problem since I was 10 now I am 30. I Had a sinus wash out at 10 and then had a sinus operation when I was 27 and the recovery was horrible. Dont get me wrong theres horrible and horrible but the feeling of being blocked up and not being able to breathe right for 2 to 3 months was not nice and it only temporarily fixed my problem. My only cure was DEXA RHINA Spray which they have discontinued. Last Year I had a septoplasty and sinus surgery and this time, its much better. Recovery was a million times better. 2 rubber tubes in nose for week, not best feeling but not sore and not even sore coming out. Have a look [ame=""]here [/ame] I now use sterimar spray out chemist and my nose and breathing is much better. Not 100% but you will never get that.

Hope this helps

ps the recovery will depend on what you getting done, Rhinoplasty - black eyes , Sinus surgery - blocked for a bit but not too sore, - Septoplasty - doddle

just my opinion tho:)
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Poor Primo ;)

@ TheEqualizer . . . if it was so bad then why did your aunt go back another twice? :err:


whats fooking funny ?
tbh bud less ya had it ya know feck all ive broken bones i had kidney stones ive been stabbed ive had a camera down me jap,s eye and on a diff occasion one down my throat without the sedative ,ive got joint pain from them broken bones i have a herniated disk and fack all gets me down like this it may seem trivial to you pall but tbh its constant and relentless like tooth ache !! i don't think its funny i asked for advise not ridicule
ok i have had surgery 3 times now the first was laser surgery that was a waste of fookin time next i had a proceduire called septoplasty where they shave a bit from the septum of your nose that was a failure,so i decided i would go private and went and had rhinoplasty £2500 well what can i say a fuckin waste of money and do you know what the best thing i have found is when i go to bed at night i wear those breatheasy strips works for me
I have had septoplasty twice. I can offer a personal opinion hurt's and it didn't work,
however... my wife is a nurse, and her opinion on MY surgery was.............. I am a wimp, moan about nothing, and.............................................. didn't work!

Good luck, the only replies you seem to be getting are negative, however if I was you I would have whatever operation was available to help me breathe better (my problem is only minor, I cannot breathe through my nose, resulting in lots of headaches).


Good luck.
whats fooking funny ?
tbh bud less ya had it ya know feck all ive broken bones i had kidney stones ive been stabbed ive had a camera down me jap,s eye and on a diff occasion one down my throat without the sedative ,ive got joint pain from them broken bones i have a herniated disk and fack all gets me down like this it may seem trivial to you pall but tbh its constant and relentless like tooth ache !! i don't think its funny i asked for advise not ridicule

Who's ridiculing you?

I was being sympathetic hence the word 'poor' FFS.

See if you can get a humour transplant and something for you fecking paranoia while you're in there.
Who's ridiculing you?

I was being sympathetic hence the word 'poor' FFS.

See if you can get a humour transplant and something for you fecking paranoia while you're in there.
wtf is PMSL.

Poor Primo my ass pall !!
tbh bud i don't give a fook thats you all over but ffs don't try wriggle out of it your where being a sarcastic cleva coont simple as that !!...
but as per all big man type pepes
ya cant take it on the chin ya have to come back with more fooking abuse
good on ya bud your a star
wtf is PMSL.

Poor Primo my ass pall !!
tbh bud i don't give a fook thats you all over but ffs don't try wriggle out of it your where being a sarcastic cleva coont simple as that !!...
but as per all big man type pepes
ya cant take it on the chin ya have to come back with more fooking abuse
good on ya bud your a star


Silly man.
whats that you having the last word ?
im aving a bitta banter wid ya come on ya ya cant go giving it without taking a bit back lol
calm down dear its only a forum !!
whats that you having the last word ?
im aving a bitta banter wid ya come on ya ya cant go giving it without taking a bit back lol
calm down dear its only a forum !!

A bit of banter you call it?


You accuse me of trying to ridicule you because I included 'PMSL' in a comment.

The 'PMSL' was a response to the multiple personal experience that members had posted, every one of them was bad.

ohh fook it, why am I even trying to explain myself to you.

We both know what you are trying to do here and I'm not taking the bait.

You may now have the last word, you have my permission.
IF you where having a laugh at the fact that most of the responses are negative and it looks like im fooked which ever way ya look @ it i get it done its not likely to improve my condition and i don't and i still suffer !!
well the i APOLOGIZE I Took your response out of context
me bad !!:Drums:
I assume you did the same !!
wana kiss and make up ? hahah
Since you apologised ;)

:love: :Smokin: :Cheers::
I have had this done twice now because as already said it dont last for ever
the 1st time i had it done was about 20 years ago and i had packs up my nose like tampons for 5 days and fook they hurt when taking them out because of the dried blood etc but apart from that there was no real problem, I do have a high pain threshold to be honest
, the 2nd time i had it done was about 6 years ago and this time they used a laser to clear out my sinuses and i had no tampons up my nose afterwoods i did suffer from bad nose bleeds for about 3 days after the op but again very little pain, I can now breath through my nose but still suffer with really bad Headaches all the time so it didnt help on them but did make breathing easier
at the end of the day its up to you but i would give it a try it could work for you my wife had it done long before i met her and she has had no probs at all with it and never has headaches