Singing the Hokey Cokey could land football fans in bother


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Jan 1, 2004
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The Penny Arcade
POLICE have vowed to crack down on football fans singing the Hokey Cokey - after claims the song is sectarian.

Catholic church leaders believe the old time children's ditty pokes fun at priests. And they fear it could be hijacked by bigots.

The Hokey Cokey became a popular song and dance in the UK and the US during the 1940s.

But some claim it was composed by Puritans during the 18th century.

They say it originates from "hocuspocus" - a reference to the Latin Mass - and the words used by priests to give communion: "Hoc est enim corpus meum", or "This is my body".

It has also been claimed references to "left-hand in, left-hand out" ridicule the priest's movements during theMass.

The issue was raised after comments made on Rangers websites in the wake of a ban on The Famine Song.

Some supporters discussed whether they would now be able to belt out the Hokey Cokey without offending anyone.

Peter Kearney, a spokesman for the Catholic church in Scotland, said: "This song does have quite disturbing origins. It was devised as an attack on, and a parody of, the Mass. If there are moves to restore its more malevolent meaning then consideration should perhaps be given to its wider use."

SNP MSP Michael Matheson urged police to "take the appropriate action" against those using it to taunt Catholics.

But Labour MSP Frank McAveety - himself a Catholic - said: "I remember doing the Hokey Cokey at family parties.

"We must all have been offending each other without realising.

"I have visions of Alex Salmond's barmy army kicking down doors to get into kids' parties and dragging everyone off to jail."

Stephen Smith of the Rangers Supporters Trust said it was "the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life".

But police promised to investigate any complaints made - and could lock up anyone found singing the song in a sectarian context.

This has got to be some sort of wind-up. Most Catholics know the origin of 'hocus-pocus' and the idea of the Hokey Cokey causing any sort of offence is just ridiculous. I feel a Rant coming on! :Angryfire
IT'S OFFICIAL !!! the worlds went mad !!! lol

WTF ?... the last time I checked Glasgow actually had real criminals walking the streets, I would have thought that plod would have focused on them before targeting some pissed up prod doing the Hoky Poky lol

And as for the priests, toss them a couple of fresh young boys to play with.

You would have thought the catholic church would have got it's own house in order before pointing the finger at footy fans.

That was uncalled for and irrelevant FUBAR m8.

Perhaps Nara but it's a farce when an organisation refuses to look at the huge illegal goings on within it's own ranks and is too busy telling other people how terrible they are.

Kettle calling pot black in my mind.
you put your left hand out
you put your right hand out
the bastards put the cuffs on
then the march you out
you sing the hokey cokey
and they send you down
what the feck is it all about

oh hokey cokey cokey
oh hokey cokey cokey
your going to the pokey
just for singing a song
well lets see if there is 40,000 cops at ibrox ,because the fans are sick of this ridiculous paranoia and will now blast this out on saturday,soon you'll not be able to wear your teams colours cause they offend some politicly correct asswipe,rangers and celtic fans have mellowed already and should be left to enjoy the football game and these complainers should get a new sport to watch if they even watch football in the first place.
This does seem to be a pretty pointless song to ban, I was just reading about it on wikipedia Hokey Cokey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

It seems to me that the problem isnt about banning songs, but getting rid of this stupid sectarian business that Scottish football is blighted with.

Football isnt about religion, its about some guys, a ball and two sets of goal posts.
you put your left hand out
you put your right hand out
the bastards put the cuffs on
then the march you out
you sing the hokey cokey
and they send you down
what the feck is it all about

oh hokey cokey cokey
oh hokey cokey cokey
your going to the pokey

just for singing a song


It must be a really slow news day for this type of shit to make the papers.
this is utter bollox, whats next? my kids done the hokey cokey at a xmas party the other day, should i report them for sectarian abuse? this is just another way of trying to take the fun out of football.
i can see the police reports now,

"ok sonny your nicked!"

"whit fur?"

"cos yer a bigot!"

"naw am no!"

at the station....

"ok sonny you know yer rights, get in that cell!"

"aye sarge ah caught him singing the hokey cokey!"

"your going down fur this ya bigoted bam!"

i can just see the high court in glasgow on the monday morning, 40000 rangers fans lined up in a conga round the saltmarket singing the hokey cokey on the way in. soooo funny!
After reading the report again I see that the only reason this became a news report was because Rangers fans were thinking of ways to get around the ban on singing sectarian songs.

It's not quite as innocent as it first appears.
if the words are not touched ie like some of the sectarin ones are, then how can you be lifted for singing a kids song?
whats next "I'm forever blowing bubbles" incase it upsets Michael Jackson's chimp lol .:slaps:
After reading the report again I see that the only reason this became a news report was because Rangers fans were thinking of ways to get around the ban on singing sectarian songs.

It's not quite as innocent as it first appears.

true same as the bouncy song
whats next "I'm forever blowing bubbles" incase it upsets Michael Jackson's chimp lol .:slaps:

Brilliant ! :roflmao:

The same as Nick Kershaws "I wont let the son go down on me" (but perhaps the daughter) song lol
oh and go home ya hun is a nice innocent song.

it must be because they seem to allow it at loads of grounds all over scotland.

how anyone could compare these songs is beyond me one is normally sung to leaving supporters when they leave early in defeat the other is about the murder of a boy
The ‘bouncy bouncy’ has nothing to do with the barbaric murder of Robert Hamill. This was sung by Rangers fans going back to at least the early 1990s (for example, following the Rangers equaliser at home to Marseille in 1992) and Robert Hamill was killed in 1997.