Sick of being ill


Inactive User
May 24, 2005
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Down Here
At the beginning of February I had a nasty bout of a fluey cold - weak, heavily running nose, etc. Lasted about two weeks. Just as I seemed to be getting better it all started up again.

Then I had one day, last Monday, when my energy was back and I thought, "great I'm getting better."

On Tuesday I started getting a lot of pain around my left eye and by Wednesday it had moved into my jaw as well. I was taking lots of painkillers, breathing steam and sniffing Olbas Oil. By this time my face was swollen all around my eye.

By Friday all of the left side of my face was swollen and I was having a lot of pain around my eye, ear, teeth and jaw. I started taking Sudafed as well.

By Saturday the whole side of my face was swollen tautly and the pain killers weren't working at all. It got to the point where the pain was really unbearable and my wife phoned the doctor. The doctor came to see me and decided it was acute sinusitus - he said he was suprised by the amount of swelling but ruled out a few other things.

He gave me some codeine tablets and another strong anti-inflamatory as well as a course of anti-biotics.

After a couple of hours the pain began to fade and my sinuses began to drain.

It still hurts but is bearable and my face, although still swollen, is not as taut.

Still don't feel too great.
Sorry to hear that Hamba. I have had the cold on and off since the end of Dec. nothing like what you are experiencing.

Hope it gets better soon mate.
Sorry to hear that Hamba, I hope your feeling better soon m8.
Bad news, sorry to hear that. I remember one time I had a heavy cold, recovered then got sick again within a week! it went on for about 2 months. Was not pleasant especially as it takes me a good few weeks to recover from my coughs. I damaged my pleurisy one time with my hard coughing!

hope u get well soon
Sorry to here this Hamba, my wife suffers from sinus problems so I know how you feel mate, hope it gets better soon.

I have had sinus problems ever since I was young and was told It would get better.

Well 3 ops later it is.

I had 1 washout which they no longer do. 1 op to widen the narrow airways which did work for a few months. The last I had a sinus op + a septoplasty and that done the trick.

I still get blocked up now and then, but no where near the frequency of previous years. I dont feel tired and dont get the facial pain or even toothache.

There used to be a wonder drug called dexarhinaspray DUO

Class in a glass so to speak. Its now discontinued tho.
Sorry to hear you are not well Hamba...........I suffer with synos trouble, although not as bad as you by the sounds, hope you feel better soon.
Not good mate. In a shape myself.

Fell running downstairsl, straight through old style huge glass panel which does not shatter into little bits, lost about 2 pints blood and was collecting it in pint glasses !!!! 40 stictches in forehead, 30 in in hair, hands/elbows and severed nerve.

On bright side i got free botox on one side head, chin up mate, time heals all.

Oh and had wait 14 hours for facial dr with hangover from hell as was NBM all that time, had sneak toilets with drip to drink from tap.

Right wheres my 30mg
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Sorry to hear about your misfortunes Bilabonic: hope you are well on the mend.

I used to suffer quite badly from sinusitus but it hasn't been that bad for a number of years. I never had it this bad before though: unbelievable pain.

I hadn't used the computer since the 3rd of March 'till today - that's a long time for me!

Sorry I'm not keeping up with my news duties.
hope you get better soon......nothing worse than having a team member down.....have a rest, take it easy for a few days and let it all go by....get plenty or water drunk, there isn't a better cure...for now hope you feel better
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Don't say I called you faceache for no good reason.

Get well soon my fishy friend.

I nearly looked on the, so starved I was of the latest tech news.

I'll wait for you to condense the good bits. :)
hope your feeling better soon hamba :)
Get well soon Ham, seems like you had it rough for a while there m8. Can't imagine you could tackle a full Soda with being all swollen up. Don't worry m8, I will eat it....:proud:
Sorry I'm not keeping up with my news duties.

it was

sorry to hear you have been poorly, sinus pain is not nice that olbus oil is very good though.

sounds like you are on the mend
Hope your feel better soon mate, wouldnt wish illness on anyone, well maybe nara lol no all joking aside take your time and get well soon.
Mt wife has been like this for a couple of months now. Just starts to get over it and it starts again with some weird side affects , back ache , sore arms etc so i know what you are going through ham. Hope you get better soon mate
Sorry to hear your under the weather Ham and try not to let it grind you down mate.
I know how you feel though, i havent been off sick for years yet last year a was floored 3 times with the bloody cold and

Its strange how the body works and makes you wonder why you can be alright for years and then be hit with everything over a few months.

My dad has terrible sinus problems and the doctor gave him nose drops to take daily (nasobec aqueous) and he swears by them.

Hope your back to full fitness asap mate.
so much crap going around atm

called an over crowded country

been going on like this for years