
What questions is that ?

Special Irish questions, that only a real Irishman can answer!

We all know you live in Bridgeton in Glasgow, so none of yer lies matey ;)

Bridgeton is a little place near Parkhead that would be better situated in Govan.

Special Irish questions, that only a real Irishman can answer!

We all know you live in Bridgeton in Glasgow, so none of yer lies matey ;)

Bridgeton is a little place near Parkhead that would be better situated in Govan.


when did I move there ? :) Have I missed somthing again.

I need to pay attention to my life :(
What questions is that ?

How many calories are in a Irish stew...:Hit:

Seriously Rod m8, best just to drop it. I don't think it was aimed at you.

I may feel the same as you if I thought it was directed at me but may be best to just leave it.
Special Irish questions, that only a real Irishman can answer!

We all know you live in Bridgeton in Glasgow, so none of yer lies matey ;)

Bridgeton is a little place near Parkhead that would be better situated in Govan.



my "college" lol i turn left at the end of teh road and 500 yards up teh road is shellick park turn right and 150 yards i'm in bridgeton town center

from 1 extreme to the other

West of Scotland, stuck in a timewarp

GLASGOW celtic and GLASGOW rangers - talking about wars and troubles that happend in the last 300 years

Motherwell - Fake Burberry Capital of the world

Hamilton - Fucked basically

Bellshill - aw ffs

Larkhall - ...........


my "college" lol i turn left at the end of teh road and 500 yards up teh road is shellick park turn right and 150 yards i'm in bridgeton town center

from 1 extreme to the other

West of Scotland, stuck in a timewarp

GLASGOW celtic and GLASGOW rangers - talking about wars and troubles that happend in the last 300 years

Motherwell - Fake Burberry Capital of the world

Hamilton - Fucked basically

Bellshill - aw ffs

Larkhall - ...........


The sooner the English drop a bomb on us lot, the better!

This is turning a tad ugly. You cannot defend the indefensible period!!
Now what DigiBairn "may" be referring to is the FACT that 99.999999% of the idiots who sing Irish songs at the tic matches and "protest" about Ireland this Ireland that have actually NO idea what they are talking/singing/protesting about. They are about as Irish as Sadam Hussain and have as many irish relatives as he did too.......get it ? They have no Irish connection.

I will concede the fact that about 1000 out of the 50,000 do indeed have irish blood in them somewhere along the line, and "may" have a gripe against the "Brits" but as has already been stated there is a time and a place and this was neither.

Don't even get me started on this type of shit though as that is exactly what it is SHIT. And we all know (Well the Scottish here do) that it's both sides of Glasgow that have their share of small penis/small minded fools some of whom think there Irish and the other lot Only sing Rule Britania due to the fact that they know it will god the "Irish" contingent. It's all a lot of religious,bigoted bile. I know trust me as I have lived up here most of my life and have seen it for many many years.
Ill say it once more to be clear It's ALL a LOAD OF PISH and both sides do it and today was celtic's turn to be ashamed........don't worry it wont be too long before the other half of the city do something equally stupid/negative and that will take the heat back away from the tic. Fooking makes me puke TBH.
@jaffa pmsl Mauris piper

thread will end up getting closed

@john, I changed that as soon as I posted it, my reason was because i never realised it may offend people which wouldn't have been my intention, it was meant as a joke.
I think those that know me would have realised that but there are others on here who may not see it that way.
This is turning a tad ugly. You cannot defend the indefensible period!!
Now what DigiBairn "may" be referring to is the FACT that 99.999999% of the idiots who sing Irish songs at the tic matches and "protest" about Ireland this Ireland that have actually NO idea what they are talking/singing/protesting about. They are about as Irish as Sadam Hussain and have as many irish relatives as he did too.......get it ? They have no Irish connection.

I will concede the fact that about 1000 out of the 50,000 do indeed have irish blood in them somewhere along the line, and "may" have a gripe against the "Brits" but as has already been stated there is a time and a place and this was neither.

Don't even get me started on this type of shit though as that is exactly what it is SHIT. And we all know (Well the Scottish here do) that it's both sides of Glasgow that have their share of small penis/small minded fools some of whom think there Irish and the other lot Only sing Rule Britania due to the fact that they know it will god the "Irish" contingent. It's all a lot of religious,bigoted bile. I know trust me as I have lived up here most of my life and have seen it for many many years.
Ill say it once more to be clear It's ALL a LOAD OF PISH and both sides do it and today was celtic's turn to be ashamed........don't worry it wont be too long before the other half of the city do something equally stupid/negative and that will take the heat back away from the tic. Fooking makes me puke TBH.

Spot on mate.

Makes me sick too.

BTW, I'm one of the 1000 out of 50,000 that does have Irish history, but I'm not the one to be found roaming the streets at 2am singing Kevin Barry or Joe McDonald and waking up the weans.

That's Paul-K.

them singing rule brittania/god save the queen or the soldier song etc dont just get the irish folk pissed off

it gets the lot of us! How about singing a football song? at the football? when watching the football?

The quicker yous fook off to english football the better :) i will personally drive the teams down, bearing in mind i have crashed 5 times :)

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How many calories are in a Irish stew...:Hit:

Seriously Rod m8, best just to drop it. I don't think it was aimed at you.

I may feel the same as you if I thought it was directed at me but may be best to just leave it.

No I didnt think it was aimed at me mate, I wasnt having a go a HD or anyone else.

There is a lot of baggage that goes with Scottish football.

I just dont see the point in branding people scum for voicing their dislike to the British Army.

People have the right to say what they want mate. I dont have to agree with it all but I will respect it.

"ie-flag1-s" :)

them singing rule brittania/god save the queen or the soldier song etc dont just get the irish folk pissed off

it gets the lot of us! How about singing a football song? at the football? when watching the football?

The quicker yous fook off to english football the better :) i will personally drive the teams down, bearing in mind i have crashed 5 times :)


Rangers sing british songs as we are a british and scottish club.
Jaffa hope that wasnt a potato joke you made ;)

you would have to me mad to think you would mean that in anything other than funny mate.

But your right mate

we will end it so it does not get too ugly:)
No I didnt think it was aimed at me mate, I wasnt having a go a HD or anyone else.

There is a lot of baggage that goes with Scottish football.

I just dont see the point in branding people scum for voicing their dislike to the British Army.

People have the right to say what they want mate. I dont have to agree with it all but I will respect it.

"ie-flag1-s" :)

I bet there was at least half of the protestors born in scotland. Which is sad, very very sad.
No I didnt think it was aimed at me mate, I wasnt having a go a HD or anyone else.

There is a lot of baggage that goes with Scottish football.

I just dont see the point in branding people scum for voicing their dislike to the British Army.

People have the right to say what they want mate. I dont have to agree with it all but I will respect it.

"ie-flag1-s" :)

Which reminds me, I must ask mickieD to remove that smilie...:Hit:

Everyone will never agree with everyone else, thats life. I don't think they respected their club today. They could have protested before it but they chose to do it during the 1 min silence, which embarrassed the club. Did they even think of the consequences to the club...not at all, they don't give a monkeys if the club and genuine fans are embarrased.

There were plenty of Irish Celtic fans who did respect it, much more of them than the rif raf.
Rangers sing british songs as we are a british and scottish club.

arghhhhhhhhh MUST BITE LIP, :Cry:


or in JTH case

I just dont see the point in branding people scum for voicing their dislike to the British Army.

People have the right to say what they want mate. I dont have to agree with it all but I will respect it.

I know what you're saying mate, but there is a time and a place for this.

It's not at a live broadcast of a football match, were the people of a nation are remembering their fallen boys and men.

I know the history of the British forces is not porcelain white, they've done a lot of bad things in their time but personally, I'm ashamed of what the 'protestors' have done today.

The only consolation I can find is that they are guaranteed to be drunken neds/chavs and not representative of any REAL Celtic fan, for if THAT if what a Celtic fan is then it's about time I had a word with myself and moved on.
I know what you're saying mate, but there is a time and a place for this.

It's not at a live broadcast of a football match, were the people of a nation are remembering their fallen boys and men.

I know the history of the British forces is not porcelain white, they've done a lot of bad things in their time but personally, I'm ashamed of what the 'protestors' have done today.

The only consolation I can find is that they are guaranteed to be drunken neds/chavs and not representative of any REAL Celtic fan, for if THAT if what a Celtic fan is then it's about time I had a word with myself and moved on.

I agree, I have always stated that they were wrong to do it as there is a time and a place for this and they should have kept quite. they were wring full stop no getting away from that.
Jaffa hope that wasnt a potato joke you made ;)

you would have to me mad to think you would mean that in anything other than funny mate.

But your right mate

we will end it so it does not get too ugly:)

I won't lie to you, it was indeed but I honestly didn't mean it as anything. As soon as I posted it I edited it because I thought it may offend someone. I just think it terrible that we/I have to walk on egg shells for the fear of offending someone. The potatoe is well known in all of Ireland, the famine never even crossed my mind.

I am off now, I feel bad now even though hardly anyone seen it.