school girl shannon matthews found alive!

I'm a father of 3 girls to m8 but I try and not let things like this get me down, just because someone makes a joke on this will not change anything, these bad things happen wether we laugh at them or cry at them, I personally choose to laugh at them and my sense of humour as seen me through some real harrowing times I can tell you, my motto "you die if you worry, you die if you don't, so why give a fook"

thats fair enough and some very valid points. but i still do not find these things funny. I dont worry about these things i stand up for what i belive in thats all. Im a big believer in karma and what goes around comes around sorta thing.

@ ice i dont tell these kind of jokes never have never will you probably wont believe that but its true. if it were a joke taking the piss out of someone like george bush or somthing then yeah i do but not a small child whose fate we dont know of.

peace yall.