samsung 2110

hi all
anyone know how to force a update on one of these boxs. i want it on the new virgin software as i have on box and its so fast. but this one is still on the old software.
any help please.
sorry i am in notts pure ntl
hi all
anyone know how to force a update on one of these boxs. i want it on the new virgin software as i have on box and its so fast. but this one is still on the old software.
any help please.
sorry i am in notts pure ntl

Boot box up while holding in the top 3 buttons on the STB. Think they are < up >
I got this box too... will i need to set id or anything once this is done ? and will it matter if TB isnt on...?

Shouldnt matter that talkback isnt on as this doesnt stop firmware downloads. As for the netid it shouldn't change it but who knows.

The main problem with forcing an update to virgin is if you have to "force" it its obviously not ready to "take" the update so it may be that you are downloading a test version which has caused others problems.