Ring Tones Ringtone that only kids can hear


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VIP Member
Jul 5, 2001
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Ive just found that ringtone the say only kids can hear,just played it too my 3 kids and they said they could hear it but sometimes they do lie LOL.see what u think :proud:
I can hear it perfectly and i'm 36!!
i heard it like a high pitched fog horn, nearly blew my fookin head off, but i can hear dog whistles, electronic cat scarers, the reversing sensors on some cars and bats as clear as a bell as well though

but that was fookin loud
I cant hear it but the wife and kids can!!!!
I couldn't hear it at all and i'm 39 but my doberman ran like f*ck and wont come back into the room.
yea l can but its set as my alarm now , no chance of missing that in the morning lol
i can hear it perfectly.
just play it on windows meida on full volume.
They had that thing on Brainiac once where it said only teenagers could hear it and they would be using it around areas where young gangs where a problem as the noise is only annoying to under 20 year olds... They played it and I could here and im over 20 i thought I was the only one but I had a few people that I forced to listen to it too and they could hear it as well, bought a dumb mosquito sonic repeller which apparently humans cant hear gave me such a headache after having it on for 2 mins... Its supposed to have to do with the bones or something inside the ear changing with age, maybe you all just have spock ears :)
i cant hear a bloody thing, now i know for sure im old (and deaf) lol
yep I could hear it load and clear :) and Im 39
I too can hear it and i thought my hearing was bad!