Raoul Moat dead


DW Member +
Feb 19, 2006
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on borrowed time
The most wanted man in Britain Raoul Moat has shot himself dead after a dramatic six-hour stand-off with armed police in Rothbury.

Raoul Thomas Moat who is believed to have shot former girlfriend Samantha Stobbart and her boyfriend Chris Brown before shooting a police officer POLICE HANDOUT

Raoul Moat shot himself after a long stand-off with police

At 1.15am a single gunshot rang out and echoed around the woodland where Moat had been holding what was believed to have been a sawn-off shot gun to his head.

In the pouring rain, officers are thought to have immediately jumped on Moat, hoping to make the situation safe.

Around half an hour later, ambulance staff were allowed onto the scene.

He was seen being wheeled on a trolley into Newcastle General Hospital with a sheet covering his head. Moat was confirmed dead at 2.20am.

fookin pussy...took the easy way out...by shooting himself...would have like to see him taken a few hits from the police marksman :SHOOTING::SHOOTING:...see how it feels like...ah well....streets are safe again at least...goodbye to bad rubbish...
all that fuss and the prick ending going out the cowards way what a knob
fookin pussy...took the easy way out...by shooting himself...would have like to see him taken a few hits from the police marksman :SHOOTING::SHOOTING:...see how it feels like...ah well....streets are safe again at least...goodbye to bad rubbish...
thing is he wont be stuck in a cell for the rest of his life only getting the odd visit who knows what makes a man do these things but untill your in that situation you cant nock a man for standing his ground woman make men do the strangest things allso if you was in the same situation next week what would you do??????????
Maybe he didn't mean to shoot himself, is it possible that he dozed off and pulled the trigger by accident. You know the way you don't mean to sleep and then wake up suddenly with a jerk?

Tbh i don't believe he had the bottle to do it deliberately and the longer the stand off the less likely he would be to do it.
I heard the police air dropped photos of them all having sex with his girlfriend, wearing t-shirts saying 'Raoul Moat - what a stupid name'.

It was the last straw.
took the cowards way out though, just goes to show that he wasnt the BIG man he wanted all to think he was...chicken shit when all said and done...i would have gladly grafted for the rest of my life paying taxes to keep him in prison and make him suffer like his victims families are going to have to suffer......
thing is he wont be stuck in a cell for the rest of his life only getting the odd visit who knows what makes a man do these things but untill your in that situation you cant nock a man for standing his ground woman make men do the strangest things allso if you was in the same situation next week what would you do??????????
women don't MAKE men do anything, and only another nut case would be in that situation.

i'm glad he topped himelf, saves normal law abiding citizens keeping the clown for the rest of his natural.
thing is he wont be stuck in a cell for the rest of his life only getting the odd visit who knows what makes a man do these things but untill your in that situation you cant nock a man for standing his ground woman make men do the strangest things allso if you was in the same situation next week what would you do??????????

he cant have been gone in the head mate...he evaded the police for nearly a week, new all the hiding places, so he cant have pleaded insanity if he did get caught and arrested....to me he sounded like he knew what he was doing....anyway, like i said...at least as a taxpayer im not paying for him to stay at his majestys pleasure..imagine the taxpayer footing the bill to keep this guy in prison for the rest of his life....ask the families of those that he killed how they feel?...so what, there are other ways to get help if a woman messes your life up..no reason to go killing people....
you lot are upset he didn't try take a few police with him? it's real life, not a film. like to see what people here would do in such a hopeless situation. shooting an umarmed random copper was cowardly but it's still a tragic end for someone who prison and the justice system clearly failed on - they even knew about the threats he was making but did nothing to stop him. at least it's over.

made a change the copper chopper wasn't over wallsend for a bit!!!
to say he was a coward isnt right
i dont condone what he done but to put a shotgun to ur head and pull the trigger takes guts
i couldnt do it
now tell me u all could
to say he was a coward isnt right
i dont condone what he done but to put a shotgun to ur head and pull the trigger takes guts
i couldnt do it
now tell me u all could

i think it would take more guts to spend your whole life in jail than it would to point a gun at your head and pull the trigger.

and he obviously thought the same.
lmao unfortunate choice of words, i guess i should have said 'wake up with a start'

Is that better? :)
you lot are upset he didn't try take a few police with him? it's real life, not a film. like to see what people here would do in such a hopeless situation. shooting an umarmed random copper was cowardly but it's still a tragic end for someone who prison and the justice system clearly failed on - they even knew about the threats he was making but did nothing to stop him. at least it's over.

made a change the copper chopper wasn't over wallsend for a bit!!!

well said........
So now they are saying two officers shot Raoul Moat with taser stun guns during last night's stand-off with Britain's most wanted man.

What is interesting is what is quoted later in the article.

"Firearms experts said it is possible that the high voltage shock may have caused him to flinch and pull the trigger as he held the shotgun to his neck in the pouring rain."

So maybe he didn't kill himself on purpose. His hands would have involuntarily clenched when he was tasered,so if he was holding a shotgun trigger then BOOM!