Raoul Moat dead

If we discover that the Cops tasered him while the gun was still pointed to his head then yes, they are in some way responsible for his death, but so what?

So you are an advocate of state sponsored death then?

So you'd be perfectly happy for the police to run around stating "I am the Law" and let them do what they want.

Hoppy,you don't get it. He killed someone ONLY after what this woman did and said. Thats the only point I'm trying to make.

Maybe he wouldn't have gone on this rampage if she hadn't provoked him by saying she was dating a coppper.

All your arguments are 'after the facts'. Its easy to be judgemental in hindsight but lets face facts here...what tipped him over the edge?

We both know what did and its pointless to argue otherwise.
So you are an advocate of state sponsored death then?

So you'd be perfectly happy for the police to run around stating "I am the Law" and let them do what they want.

Hoppy,you don't get it. He killed someone ONLY after what this woman did and said. Thats the only point I'm trying to make.

I suspect you've been drinking mate? ;)

Did you read my entire post?

People say and do lots of stuff against us all the time, do we all get shotguns to make things right?
So you are an advocate of state sponsored death then?

So you'd be perfectly happy for the police to run around stating "I am the Law" and let them do what they want.

Hoppy,you don't get it. He killed someone ONLY after what this woman did and said. Thats the only point I'm trying to make.

Maybe he wouldn't have gone on this rampage if she hadn't provoked him by saying she was dating a coppper.

All your arguments are 'after the facts'. Its easy to be judgemental in hindsight but lets face facts here...what tipped him over the edge?

We both know what did and its pointless to argue otherwise.

No we don't,, well maybe you do but a don't, you must have information that i don't have.
The only information that ave seen is what the tabloids are saying and when was the last time they printed anything that was based on fact and reported in an unbiased fashion.

Frankly you or i are not in a position to judge his girlfriend as we have not spent a day in her life or seen what their relationship was like, so to suggest that she should be charged with a crime is kinda daft when we know nothing about the situation.

We do know right from wrong and to kill someone in an act of revenge is barbaric and unforgivable.
Anyone who thinks this is acceptable should contact there doctor immediately.
One suspects that there may be a rocket with the word BOLT written on the side awaiting for Mr.Cronus.
One suspects that there may be a rocket with the word BOLT written on the side awaiting for Mr.Cronus.

Taxi rocket,,serving the universe for hundreds of years.
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I have just read this thread and baffled by some of the comments.

Unless some one kills you family member or sexually abuses your child etc then there is no justification for killing anyone.

To justify in anyway what he done because what his ex done then thats a joke.

No wonder she got rid of him.

He was a LUNATIC plain and simple.

and as for blaming the police fck right off. They didnt shoot him quick enough IMHO.

If he was scared and giving him self up, go to some one unarmed.

He wanted the police to shot him and they left him no option but do it your self.

Its his kids that will be hurting and they should be allowed to be. But some ppl think he was let down or some sort of hero are complete IDIOTS
The guy got what he deserved in the end and administered the punishment himself, maybe because he couldn’t goad the police into to doing it for him and also because he knew there was no way out of what he had done.

Beside the murders he had also been convicted, and served a sentence, cut short for sure, of a serious physical assault including that on a child.

The only thing the police did wrong was to not catch him sooner.

As for the family comments, well I guess they need to accept he turned bad no matter which way you try to look at it and the place is safer without him.

All in all having followed the thing in the news and read this thread you do have to wonder why though that Cronus has chosen to write such absurd comment.
He killed someone ONLY after what this woman did and said. Thats the only point I'm trying to make.

What is the point in trying to make a pointless point?

If you're trying to offer your point as some sort of justification then you should seek counselling.
The only thing the police did wrong was to not catch him sooner.

I agree that they should have put a stop to him sooner. Though I am eager to hear why they failed to act on the information supplied to them from the prison. Warning them of the impending danger to Moats ex and her new partner. To me it seems the police these days seem to only act retrospectively, unless its a speeding ticket or other non-event.

For example, I saw some CCTV footage on the news last week of a brutal attack on 2 men by several others, the footage showed some police officers walking up to the scene (not running) then stopping with the injured men and talking to them, rather than chasing down and arresting the guilty men who just casually jogged away.
The same thing is true of breaks ins and burglaries, they dont seem interested in catching anybody, they just want to sent victim support around to tell you stuff like this doesnt normally happen ... lol.
I agree that they should have put a stop to him sooner. Though I am eager to hear why they failed to act on the information supplied to them from the prison. Warning them of the impending danger to Moats ex and her new partner. To me it seems the police these days seem to only act retrospectively, unless its a speeding ticket or other non-event.

For example, I saw some CCTV footage on the news last week of a brutal attack on 2 men by several others, the footage showed some police officers walking up to the scene (not running) then stopping with the injured men and talking to them, rather than chasing down and arresting the guilty men who just casually jogged away.
The same thing is true of breaks ins and burglaries, they dont seem interested in catching anybody, they just want to sent victim support around to tell you stuff like this doesnt normally happen ... lol.

Very true mate, my brother had his house done recently and he said the same thing that the police have done nothing to catch them.
With all the CCTV in this country you would think they could do better.
There seem to be severeal tens of thousands of suscribers to his facebook pages who seem to disagree.

Couldn't believe the entries on Facebook in support of what he did and that he should have killed more people.
Facebook has appeared to make a callous killer and over punishing father into a martyr.
What annoyed me most of all was that a cold blooded murderer got hours of air time when we are fighting to keep care Homes open in Durham so that our old folk can be safe and secure and we got 20 seconds yes seconds on BBC News!!!!!!
What annoyed me most of all was that a cold blooded murderer got hours of air time when we are fighting to keep care Homes open in Durham so that our old folk can be safe and secure and we got 20 seconds yes seconds on BBC News!!!!!!

Its all car crash TV these days though isn't it. Between that and "celebrities" there is no airtime left for anyone else.
What annoyed me most of all was that a cold blooded murderer got hours of air time when we are fighting to keep care Homes open in Durham so that our old folk can be safe and secure and we got 20 seconds yes seconds on BBC News!!!!!!

Its human interest mate, and someone going bonkers and shooting people will interest more people unfortunately, than trying to keep open care homes in one part of the North. Its sad, but true mate.
Its all car crash TV these days though isn't it. Between that and "celebrities" there is no airtime left for anyone else.

Yup, soon we'll have Sky Copters chasing car thieves and ambulances. :(

Some American franchise channels cut into prime time TV to show the latest car chase, fooking nonsense.
Re: Raoul Moat dead

Good riddance to the coward.......just another loser in my opinion........
Yup, soon we'll have Sky Copters chasing car thieves and ambulances. :(

Some American franchise channels cut into prime time TV to show the latest car chase, fooking nonsense.

You know id actually watch that.. not for the fact that chavs are getting chased but for the thrill of the police using their tactics to stop them... would make quite interesting tv..

Moat is a legend simple.. He committed crimes and got a % of the country behind him.. you would of got this with west/hindley (but they where sick followers).. Moat managed to get the average person to support him..

We cant dispute the facebook page.. as its freedom of speech.. but we can dispute the fact their is no respect for the people who died/injured..