Problem with first-time Softmodding. Cannot exit MMM.


Inactive User
Feb 26, 2011
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Dear all,

First of all. I am a complete Wii hacking noob (got my Wii 5 days ago).

So I followed the detailed instructions that I found here to softmod my Wii.

Everything went smoothly until I 'installed all 24 WADs' through the MMM. The guide says:

Press the B button twice to return to MMM and then press your home button to exit

now, my problem is that it does not 'exit' anywhere. I am stuck with the main menu of the MMM (where I see a list saying APP Manager, IOS Manager, WAD Manager...and so on). If I turn off my Wii and turn it back on, this is all that I see. If I go to APP Manager and select 'HomeBrew Channel Loader' it simply tells me 'Error Launching App'.

Since I was stuck here, i tried to follow the steps for the installation of Priiloader. All went fine (as the guide says) until the last step where it says

'After priiloader installs, it may freeze during restart- this is ok
Hold reset and boot Wii while holding reset- priiloader will load'

Problem is: I did hold reset, but the Wii would stay frozen on a half-broken DOS like screen. The ONLY way to wake it up has been to unplug it and plug it back...only to turn it on and find myself again in the MMM.

I have no idea what to do next. I did follow the instructions point by point...I don't understand what's happened...

Can anyone help?

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**** me, nevermind. Apparently it was enough to REMOVE THE SD CARD and then press 'exit'.
**** me, nevermind. Apparently it was enough to REMOVE THE SD CARD and then press 'exit'.

You get that sometimes on some of the hacks,to stop that happenning just rename the bootmii folder on the sd card to anything you like and it wont boot up that way and that will let you keep the sd card in.
