Plot to blow up planes' foiled

Dutcho is 100% right
I posted this as a news post,not to get into politics :( every one has different veiws
Totally Cheesed off!!!

I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!:Chainsaw:
shiva said:
I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!:Chainsaw:

:Clap: :)
shiva said:
I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!:Chainsaw:

Nail on the head ;)
shiva said:
I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!

:Clap: :Clap: :Clap: :Clap:
shiva said:
I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!:Chainsaw:

:Clap: :Clap: ...........
ninja, i kinder think you your self are missing the point, these bombers are killing innocent people who have familys and children, muslims and other religens alike, yes our past is something best forgotten, but the modern britain is trying to to break down the barriers between different religens and it welcomes these people with open arms and gives them the best life of all the western countries, leading the way by producing a multicutral society which they would not get any where else. so why is my life put in danger, if you say this is a policical issue they have no tenerble arguement with you or with me. so it should be stopped. wheather it be at home or abroad

p.s what polictical solution do you suggest would resolve this problem
Well said Storm, It dont like it when people relate these terrorists with Islam, especially the media, Islam has no place for these type of people... Hope people in the community can just come togeather a fight this.
i think most ethnic brits think islam is a peace loving religeon but are not sure . the reason for this is that hardly anyone from the islamic world criticise these people i was watching some of the news channels tonight and there was the iimam ? from the mosque that a few of the guys under arrest go to saying things like our thoughts go out to the families of these people . whilst in our country everyone is presumed innocent untill proved guilty it would have been better to say nothing at all . another guy ,an ethnic brit who converted to muslim flatly refused to condemn them . this is why most of us are unsure about islam
i suppose ill now get the usual posts about how our media is censored but believe me all the guys i talk to even people i dont know think the same its up to the muslims show they are trying to distance themselves from these people otherwise relations will only get worse
storm said:
ninja, i kinder think you your self are missing the point, these bombers are killing innocent people who have familys and children, muslims and other religens alike, yes our past is something best forgotten, but the modern britain is trying to to break down the barriers between different religens and it welcomes these people with open arms and gives them the best life of all the western countries, leading the way by producing a multicutral society which they would not get any where else. so why is my life put in danger, if you say this is a policical issue they have no tenerble arguement with you or with me. so it should be stopped. wheather it be at home or abroad

p.s what polictical solution do you suggest would resolve this problem

firstly storm mate let me apologise to you becasue what i am about to write is not intended at you.

for feck sake i am not apologising for anybody neither am i justifying or saying we are not a more progressive and tolerant society...........why are people confusing my razor edge opinion towards the negative ?!? i know these lunatics are killing innocent people muslim and non muslim alike but without undersatnding their motiveswe cannot resolve the problem and more importantly make a 1.5% UK muslim community responsible for the acts of 00000000.1%!! of them....................

i must admit an element of naivety to believe i can conduct this conversation over the net on a forum and get some reciprocal element of's like talking about a porsche car with nobody knowing what a car is?!?!

i give up i am sure all of you have read up on history and know very well the why, when and how and if not you can just base your argument on emotion and hearsay and it is all happy long as we have an opinion ....any opinion who cares right?

charlie senator said:
i think most ethnic brits think islam is a peace loving religeon but are not sure . the reason for this is that hardly anyone from the islamic world criticise these people i was watching some of the news channels tonight and there was the iimam ? from the mosque that a few of the guys under arrest go to saying things like our thoughts go out to the families of these people . whilst in our country everyone is presumed innocent untill proved guilty it would have been better to say nothing at all . another guy ,an ethnic brit who converted to muslim flatly refused to condemn them . this is why most of us are unsure about islam
i suppose ill now get the usual posts about how our media is censored but believe me all the guys i talk to even people i dont know think the same its up to the muslims show they are trying to distance themselves from these people otherwise relations will only get worse

well said..........:proud:
u will find a minority of muslims who will refuse to give a view or opinion on this alleged terror plot because they r sceptical of the security authorities because of the forest gate fiasco...the innocent muslim bloke who was accidentaly shot in the shoulder.
u have orgnistions such as the muslim council of britain who have given their full support and backing to the authorities on this terror probe. if the alleged bombers r clearly found guilty u will find more and more muslims around the world condeming this act of terror and rightly so.
i'am not accusing any fellow member of this but if there r peeps who think muslims should apolagise for the alleged acts of these so called muslims, it is totally unfair. cuz a madman wants to go out and kill innocent peeps in the name of islam, dont mean that all other muslims r alike.
its like asking the white community to apolagise for the acts of white pedophiles. it dont happen and shouldnt.
bottom line, if the people arrested r infact want to be bombers they r scum and deserve no mercy

apolagise if anyone has been offended
shiva said:
I am a british Asian, (not muslim) fed up of all the nutters out there who are just brainwashed. The UK is the best place to live with lots of tolenarant Peeps, so if they hate this place then I say send em to a muslim state and see how they like it over there. This country has to now stop pussy footing about and just say if you dont like it here, here's the airfare and piss off!!!!!!!!!!:Chainsaw:
Best Post of the thread, well said m8
Another False Alarm? Or A Pretext For WWIII?

Rixon Stewart – August 11, 2006

Little more than two months ago more than 200 British police, backed by armed support units raided a house in Forest Gate, east London, in what police described as an “anti terrorist” operation.

According to police spokesman, they were acting on “specific” intelligence that suggested an “imminent terror threat.”

During the raid police shot one of the occupants of the house; allegedly, say the two brothers staying there, without warning.

Both men were held for extensive questioning while their residence was searched and examined for forensic evidence.

According to BBC correspondent Danny Shaw, police went looking in "every nook and cranny" for proof.

One anonymous security source told the Sun newspaper, police believed suspected militants had made a “dirty” chemical device – a conventional bomb surrounded by toxic material that could be set off by a suicide bomber.

“We are absolutely certain this device exists and could be used either by a suicide bomber or in a remote-controlled explosion,” the source is reported to have said.

Yet in the raid's aftermath absolutely nothing was found and the two men were released without charge. Nonetheless, the raid and the police’s inability to find anything incriminating raises serious questions about police “intelligence” on alleged “terrorists”. Just as it did nearly a year ago when armed police gunned down Jean Charles de Menezes, an innocent Brazilian electrician who, police later claimed, was initially identified as a terrorist.

More to the point police pumped eight bullets into De Menzes’s head without warning. A fatal mistake, police later admitted.

Or was it? Maybe the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, in a London underground train last year, was really meant to heighten public anxiety about potential terror threats. Just like the raid on the Forest Gate house two months ago, police found absolutely nothing to link Jean Charles de Menezes to “terror”.
Nothing other than what police were later to admit was “faulty intelligence”.

Now we have another police operation that has uncovered a “terror plot” that would have allegedly dwarfed 911. Or so we are told.

According to Associated Press, the terrorists' plan was to detonate liquid-based based explosive devices smuggled in hand luggage on flights leaving UK airports for the US.

If successful, the plot - which US officials say has the hallmarks of al Qaida - would have been a terrorist "spectacular" on a par with 9/11.

And as anyone who has investigated the facts knows, the official story on 9/11 is a crock of crap.

British police are currently holding 24 men in connection with the plot, 19 British Muslims and 5 Pakistanis whom police describe as “facilitators”.

Police raided houses used by the suspects in London, Birmingham and High Wycombe. An elderly neighbour to the London suspects, told the BBC she was "shocked" to see police raiding the address.

"It's a lovely family that lives there. They were Asian and very friendly to everyone. If ever I needed anything I knew I could ask even though I never did."

One of those named on Friday as a suspect in the alleged suicide bomb plot, Ibrahim Savant had a regular job and loved football.

Neighbours and friends in the ethnically mixed eastern London suburb where the 25-year-old grew up said they were bewildered by his alleged involvement in the terror plot.

"We grew up together. He was a normal, average guy," said Assad, who declined to give his surname. "Everyone around here will be amazed and dismayed" at his arrest, he added.

Which implies that a "terror threat" can posed by anyone cited by the authorities and mainstream media. For until now not a single shred of hard evidence has been produced to substantiate police claims.

So could this be another case of Western covert intelligence working together with double agents to contrive a “terror” atrocity? Could it be that like the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes and the police “anti-Terror” raid in Forest Gate, the current “terror” scare will later be found to have been based on “faulty intelligence”? By which time events will have moved on and new developments occurred, facilitated by the current scare, which completely overshadow current events?

Whatever the answer, the timing of events relative to Israel’s rampage in Lebanon and the ranking up of tension with Iran is ominous in the extreme. For if evidence could be “found” linking the current terror scare with al Qaida and its alleged backers, it could pave the way for an an-all out attack on Iran, possibly even using nuclear weapons.

Washington’s neocons are said to be adamant that Iran be dealt with and its threat to Israel neutralised. To this end they are said to have been demanding an all-out US attack on Iran. Could the revelations about the latest “terror” be about to provide just such a pretext for an attack?

Whatever the final outcome of events, the current "terror" scare provides a distraction from Israeli crimes being carried out in Gaza and southern Lebanon. It's also of note that while the security services allege they have uncovered an imminent threat that would have "dwarfed" 9/11, Tony Blair has remained on holiday – a measure of how real the threat was, maybe? While his deputy Prime Minister and stand in, John Prescott thanked the British public for reacting “calmly, sensibly and with great patience” to the disruption.

That the British public reacted have with such equanimity to the alleged "terror plot" is perhaps a measure of the growing awareness, not spoken of publicly but sensed privately among growing numbers, that the alleged terror threat is no more than a ruse, a ploy to manipulate public opinion. Just as the endlessly repeated claims of Saddam Hussien's Weapons of Mass Destruction turned out to be no more than a media induced mirage.
yeah and the twin towers are still standing and 7/7 never happened aint it amazing what hollywood can do !! i would rather we have 20 false alarms than one plot succeeding and i dont care if the arrested people where from scotland wales ireland or the moon or whether they where catholics jews hindus or muslim so carry on the good work our security guys