Plot to blow up planes' foiled


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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A terrorist plot to blow up planes in mid-flight from the UK to the US has been disrupted, Scotland Yard has said.
It is thought the plan was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on aircraft in hand luggage.

Police have arrested about 18 people in the London area after an anti-terrorist operation lasting several months.

Security at all airports in the UK has been tightened and delays are expected. MI5 has raised the UK threat level to critical - the highest possible.

According to MI5's website, critical threat level means "an attack is expected imminently and indicates an extremely high level of threat to the UK".

Full Story Here
sick of these animals

leave the country or go blow yourself up in a field
al pacino said:
sick of these animals

leave the country or go blow yourself up in a field

Couldn't agree with you more m8, i'm fecking absoluetly fed up with these animals who have been brainwashed into blowing things up. All of them should be put in a freight container and blown up, or shot in the head. People like these gives a bad name to a single community.
al pacino said:
sick of these animals

leave the country or go blow yourself up in a field

here here

what right have these feckers to live blow them up in a field
I just found out in the news that a house near mine has been raided in walthamstow east london!!!: shocked2 : shocked2 : shocked2
The world is full of some very sick people.
Thank God for the intelligence service, if it wasnt for them then i !! Well it doesnt bare thinking about.
A few men tarnishing an Entire races reputation :( - a sad world

NOW lets all give praise to the uk police/Intelligence
theyve done a good job!,unfortunately in this age, Media arent interested in GOOD DEEDS ----- That what makes me sick, the Media they are the scum
isnt about time the muslim clerics came out and denounced these terrorists by their verry silence they are condoning it !
charlie senator said:
isnt about time the muslim clerics came out and denounced these terrorists by their verry silence they are condoning it !

u have a point m8 they should denounce it

the pricks are giving muslims bad names

:Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers: :Cheers:
I also have wondered why the clerics stay eerily silent although there are a couple who do condemn these people and what they are doing to their religion. Their religion is supposed to denote peace but all you ever hear about is the violence, and you would think this constant negative publicity would be enough to make more of them speak out.

Then again, maybe they too are brainwashed!
charlie senator said:
isnt about time the muslim clerics came out and denounced these terrorists by their verry silence they are condoning it !

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce the crusades where people were being betchered left right and centre, muslim, jew and christian?!?!....OH THATS RIGHTS it was them that started the crusades in the first place...damn let me give you another example...

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce the bombs being dropped on afghanistan, iraq or the slave trade that this country was involved in, and by the way if you notice these were done by our governments AN ELECTED BODY so why should muslim clerics denounce the act of a few idiots who are not even elected or state to represent the majority?!?!

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce this countries colonialist past when it enslaved and robbed resources from other countries and then split them up into little islands?!?!

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the spanish inquistion by Ferdinand and Isabella to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms by sluightering all non catholic inhabitants!?!?

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
christopher Columbus and Spain when they commited imperialist genocide against the natives (the Tainos in particular)

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the genocide that happened in rwanda while the hutu killed the tutsi whilst the UN wre there

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the genocide that took place in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the Bosnian War from 1992 - 1995 when it was happening AT OUR DOORSTEP

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce

i can't be assed, if you don't know than you just don't know....
IANBBB said:
The world is full of some very sick people.
Thank God for the intelligence service, if it wasnt for them then i !! Well it doesnt bare thinking about.

well said mate, agreed.
what absolute nonsense crap i

what absolute nonsense crap i ????????????????????????
sorry mate i started to read your post but i found it boring..... and the only thing that i seem to have kept reaing is.....
what absolute nonsense crap i

at the end of the day make no mistake these people are sick w*****s!!!
what can they truly get out of killing people that have dont nothing wrong...

i think alot of it boils down to the uk has been way to good to a lot of these people.. my dad comes from st kits so i am not racest in any way!!!!

i just think there is no reason that can justifiy wot the w*****s are doing... if they want to blow them self up than way hay!!! DO NOT KILL PEOPLE THAT HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!! i am :FLAG: and although i feel labour has fcked us all over at times i am bleddy proud of it!:ST Geo:

NinjaXP said:
what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce the crusades where people were being betchered left right and centre, muslim, jew and christian?!?!....OH THATS RIGHTS it was them that started the crusades in the first place...damn let me give you another example...

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce the bombs being dropped on afghanistan, iraq or the slave trade that this country was involved in, and by the way if you notice these were done by our governments AN ELECTED BODY so why should muslim clerics denounce the act of a few idiots who are not even elected or state to represent the majority?!?!

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce this countries colonialist past when it enslaved and robbed resources from other countries and then split them up into little islands?!?!

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the spanish inquistion by Ferdinand and Isabella to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms by sluightering all non catholic inhabitants!?!?

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
christopher Columbus and Spain when they commited imperialist genocide against the natives (the Tainos in particular)

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the genocide that happened in rwanda while the hutu killed the tutsi whilst the UN wre there

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce
the genocide that took place in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, during the Bosnian War from 1992 - 1995 when it was happening AT OUR DOORSTEP

what absolute nonsense crap i did'nt hear christian clerics come out and denounce

i can't be assed, if you don't know than you just don't know....

now thats wot speeding, parking and council tax should be spent on ... tracking down the sick fckers !!! well done to the boys (and girls) at the intelligence service!!!:BLOBBY:

IANBBB said:
The world is full of some very sick people.
Thank God for the intelligence service, if it wasnt for them then i !! Well it doesnt bare thinking about.

they are nearly as bad as the sick fckers them self!!!!!

Bluemotion said:
A few men tarnishing an Entire races reputation :( - a sad world

NOW lets all give praise to the uk police/Intelligence
theyve done a good job!,unfortunately in this age, Media arent interested in GOOD DEEDS ----- That what makes me sick, the Media they are the scum
totally agree

i agree with you on that !

charlie senator said:
isnt about time the muslim clerics came out and denounced these terrorists by their verry silence they are condoning it !