Personal Computer Show 1987


Inactive User
Jan 27, 2006
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I am in the process of moving a load of gear into my new place and I came across some wonderful items.

Check them out and have a laugh. I can't believe that we used to walk around the show wearing those silly hats.

Anyone remember the Barbarian poster with Maria Whittaker? There are loads of great posters in that pile.
Ah the photos you mention were post PCW. Damn I never saw those photo's :(

I think that is 'Wolf' from Gladiators as the Barbarian.
I remember the Maria Whittaker poster :)

That's a nice find mate, I love the Mastertronic hat! :)
was Barbarian c64 or Amiga, i had it but mind slips (huge commodore fanboy, had most of em except for that was it +4), at school a holy war was raged against those evil AtariST owners!

remember my 1st vic20, and typing in about a 1000 lines of code from a mag and then getting a GOSUB or SYNTAX error, never to fix, those was the days :)
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ST owners were like todays PS3 crowd ;)
Amiga was far better but the ST had a midi port however very few people actually used it, kinda like the PS3 and it's Blu-Ray. ;)
Who can forget waiting 20 minutes for the tape to load the data only for it to crash when you press start?
Frustrating days indeed
Amiga was far better but the ST had a midi port however very few people actually used it, kinda like the PS3 and it's Blu-Ray. ;)

i use my ps3 to play dvd's and blu ray it has excellent upscaling. I also use it to play divx movies straight off of a usb stick i hardly play games on it though.
Who can forget waiting 20 minutes for the tape to load the data only for it to crash when you press start?
Frustrating days indeed

used to love the psychedelic bars around the screen. could this be considered a gateway drug?

ah, copying games on my tape to tape ghetto blaster, fitting about 30 games on a c90 cassette.
Then there were games like the Hobbit which took up an entire C90 all by itself ;)

ok, I exagerated.
the only thing the ST was good for was music(but amiga had far superior internal music chips), sold lots of units due to musicians cause of the midi port, i think there was an ST, STFM and falcon(not wiki'd), this is from my knowledge of obscure facts.

i also missed the days of rewinding and playing tapes that failed to load made the whole computer experience more interactive

was the PCS like todays E3?
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The c64 was a great machine. I used to love BeachHead 2, Friday 13th, Chuckie Egg and Airbourne Ranger. But the adventure games were great too, The Hobbit, Eureka, Teromolinos.

Go N
get brick
throw brick

lol. We had cartridges, cassettes and even a floppy disk drive for the c64.

And if you accidently put a data tape in your stereo. Arrrggghhhh, bleeding ears!
favourie program of all time.

10 Print "dave rulez";
20 goto 10

used to run it on all the machines in dixons as a kid, the c64's, dragon32's and even amstrads!

got me into programming
favourie program of all time.

10 Print "dave rulez";
20 goto 10

used to run it on all the machines in dixons as a kid, the c64's, dragon32's and even amstrads!

got me into programming

i remember using my spectrum and a book to copy the code from and used to get really annoyed if i made a mistake and start again
i remember using my spectrum and a book to copy the code from and used to get really annoyed if i made a mistake and start again

or if you nudged the power supply after 5 hours of coding and the speccy would reset itself, where did we get the patience from to write it all out again I do not know.

I remember using the BEEP command to make music, or electronic type sounds LOL

I found a stack of mags as well. The editorial is excellent, well worth a read for and game loving youngster. CRASH ZZAP64
if anyone had a c64 did anyone use a paperclip on the cartridge port, think pins 1 and 3 to reset games and enter cheats for games, using poke or was it peek commands?

god my mind is random!