people on benefits ..

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There are so many other important things that are proven wrong like being fooked by the gov in taxes and all sort of other cons but we sit on our asses and do nothing but in this case there is no proof of deception but nows the time to get off our asses and report this guy

I respect thats your opinion but I dissagree lets deal with certainty not maybe

I would report him ,and let the authorities sort it out .

I am not just talking about this boke ,I am talking about all scroungers .

Why should we keep them ,what gives them the right to do f**k all and have a better standard of living ,than lot of working folk !!!!

I maybe a fascist , but we cannot keep handing out to workshy scroungers!!!!

I was brought up the old way , if you want something you have to work for it , not just hold your hand out !

Sorry if you don't like my oppinion , but tough !!!!
How is the OP expected to get all the information, surely that is what an investigation is for. And the only way to be properly investigated is by being reported.

Yes they should have to justify how they can build a bloody big extension if they are claiming benefits.
Yes they should have to justify how they can build a bloody big extension if they are claiming benefits.

you can get credit on benefits. maybe they have a good credit record and have taken out a large low interest bank loan.?
Sorry if you don't like my oppinion , but tough !!!!

Sorry you did not read my post properly I said I respect thats your opinion but dissagree.

I think that some people seem to forget that this is just one thread of many on what I would call a very decent forum and remember that when you next start a thread asking help, advice and other peoples opinions
I would report him ,and let the authorities sort it out .
I am not just talking about this boke ,I am talking about all scroungers .

so does this include people who download films, music, cable keys, sat nav images and anything else off the internet.

because it adds up to the same thing they are all scrounging off some one.
The whole country is living beyond it's means, haven't you heard of Mortgages, Credit Agreements, so on etc...?

Yeh it's all well and good living beyond your means with credit cards/mortgage etc that leaves an audit trail...

What about the person who receives a low benefit allowance has no credit card/mortgage no other viable income and still has the new telly etc...

Don't tell me your that naive...
I know a couple that haven't worked since 1988, they have 2 cars which are completely tax and insurance free, they holiday twice a year, have purchased their council house and recently had it reroofed, all new windows fitted and they are planning on having an extension built to the rear and a patio added!

The wife pretends to be depressed and gets all sorts of benefits, she also has Angina.The husband is nothing more than a lazy bastard but nodoubt he is pretending to be half dead, doesn't stop him digging the garden, cutting the grass and walking home from the pub completely blotto!

OTOH, I have a small partime job and my wife works full time, I mostly stay at home due to the number of kids we have, we are IMO a financially poor family, and it's basically all our own fault - we're too randy ;)

But one thing I do have is pride, I'm proud that everything in my house is bought and paid for with money we have earned, I'm proud that a lcoal garage agreed to give me credit to buy a shitty wee Zafira, let all the neighbours have their 2 disability cars, free rent, council tax rebate and foreign holidays, I couldn't care less. I know I have nothing to hide and I sleep easy at nights.

There are plenty of genuinely ill people who have to go through hell to get any of these benefits, the reason they have to go through hell is because the goverment has to try and weed out the liars with great theatrical skills.

My own father, a retired police officer, is crippled with arthritis, has diabetes type2 (with insulin injections) and underwent a triple by-pass a few years ago is too proud to apply for any benefits, and he IMO is genuinely entitled to them.

Shame on the leeches.
Surely getting the facts as clear as possible, before causing trouble for someone, would be the decent thing to do.


How is the OP expected to get all the information, surely that is what an investigation is for. And the only way to be properly investigated is by being reported.

Yes they should have to justify how they can build a bloody big extension if they are claiming benefits.

hear hear!
in fairness though, not everyone who is incapacitated is a leecher - some are genuine.

The way I read it...thats what witchy said.

There are plenty of genuinely ill people who have to go through hell to get any of these benefits, the reason they have to go through hell is because the goverment has to try and weed out the liars with great theatrical skills.
in fairness though, not everyone who is incapacitated is a leecher - some are genuine.

Agreed karym6.

I do not think for one minute that witchy thinks otherwise.

Genuine cases yes, i'll help.

Liars, no.
Don't tell me your that naive...

I think you're the one that's naive mate, you don't seem to realise just how easy it is to get Credit at some places, they practically throw money at you wether you're working or not.
Yeh it's all well and good living beyond your means with credit cards/mortgage etc that leaves an audit trail...

What about the person who receives a low benefit allowance has no credit card/mortgage no other viable income and still has the new telly etc...

Don't tell me your that naive...

maybe they have sons and daughters or mothers and fathers who are working and gave them as gifts.

my father lives on a state pension but has a big screen tv because the whole family chipped in as he is losing his sight.
so does this include people who download films, music, cable keys, sat nav images and anything else off the internet.

because it adds up to the same thing they are all scrounging off some one.

No it does not include them ! , but I am sure the capitalists wouldn't be too happy .

We are talking about benefit scroungers !
Yeah this moral equivalency thing is boring: ' if you download a film you cannot whinge at a benefit cheat'.

Like comparing apples and oranges.

Not good enough logic, I'm sorry.

I think a few peeps might be protesting too much. :)

Let me put it this way, If you steal from tax payers you are not a man, as I define one. Because a man provides for himself, and his family. If you genuinely need help, it takes a man to admit it, and if deserving, I would be happy to help out.
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