overly plump women and their summer wear

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Inactive User
Aug 13, 2005
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One thing that really puts a downer on my summer is the fat women who feel the need to wear the same clothes as their scantily clad skinny slapper mates. I don't want to see a woman with her gut hanging out below her boob tube and her skirt that's turned into cheese string amongst her folds.

Large ladies - lycra is a privilege, not a rite!

If you would like to wear these clothes, you must have a waist which does not extend past the waistline of the clothes. You must also have a nicely proportioned rack and ass and a pretty face. A celtic tattoo at the base of the spine is not necessary but a definite plus.

You must also be between the ages of 16 and 30.

Rant over. Bring on the curvy lovelies :D
Yeah yeah.. chicks are cool.. uh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh
One thing that really puts a downer on my summer is the fat women who feel the need to wear the same clothes as their scantily clad skinny slapper mates. I don't want to see a woman with her gut hanging out below her boob tube and her skirt that's turned into cheese string amongst her folds.

Large ladies - lycra is a privilege, not a rite!

If you would like to wear these clothes, you must have a waist which does not extend past the waistline of the clothes. You must also have a nicely proportioned rack and ass and a pretty face. A celtic tattoo at the base of the spine is not necessary but a definite plus.

You must also be between the ages of 16 and 30.

Rant over. Bring on the curvy lovelies :D
I'm not overweight, far from it but this type of rant piss*s me off big style. These "fat women" put "a downer on your summer", big fecking deal!!!. Many of these persons who you find such an annoyance are'nt asking to be ogled, merely to be accepted. They may be suffering from a medical condition that causes obesity, why the hell should they cover up ?.
If your summer is spoilt so easily then stay indoors.
I'm not overweight, far from it but this type of rant piss*s me off big style. These "fat women" put "a downer on your summer", big fecking deal!!!. Many of these persons who you find such an annoyance are'nt asking to be ogled, merely to be accepted. They may be suffering from a medical condition that causes obesity, why the hell should they cover up ?.
If your summer is spoilt so easily then stay indoors.

are these the same women whose thong reads "eurohike" when it's unfurled?
I'm not overweight, far from it but this type of rant piss*s me off big style. These "fat women" put "a downer on your summer", big fecking deal!!!. Many of these persons who you find such an annoyance are'nt asking to be ogled, merely to be accepted. They may be suffering from a medical condition that causes obesity, why the hell should they cover up ?.
If your summer is spoilt so easily then stay indoors.

I agree with you m8 but this is the rant room......

Im with Chookey on this one :( totally uncalled for rant
I'm not overweight, far from it but this type of rant piss*s me off big style. These "fat women" put "a downer on your summer", big fecking deal!!!. Many of these persons who you find such an annoyance are'nt asking to be ogled, merely to be accepted. They may be suffering from a medical condition that causes obesity, why the hell should they cover up ?.
If your summer is spoilt so easily then stay indoors.

is this medical condition called cant walk past a burger king syndrome
i recently witnessed a "medical condition" eat TWO WHOPPER MEALS one after the other washed down with two cokes (maybe diet coke!!!!):BLOBBY:
Im with Chookey on this one :( totally uncalled for rant
Well done Rat. I don't believe in picking on certain groups and singling them out. I had an instance a few months ago in the works' canteen when I overheard a person saying that a mentally handicapped boy was out with his parents in the pub. This person said that he had to leave early cos the handicapped lad spoilt his afternoon.
I'm the kind of person who can't keep quiet so I gave him a piece of my mind. The handicapped lad and his family have to cope with his disability for a lifetime. I may not have said anything if it hadn't been for his repeated use of the word "mongol" and his stupid laughter.
Both he and registration show a lack of compassion borne through ignorance.

Rant over.........Chookey
oh its in the genes fat people say.......no it isn't!!! its greed
oh its in the genes fat people say.......no it isn't!!! its greed


ask the 34stone girl on bbc3 last night. She said herself, there was no illness - she just likes to eat. There are a minority who do owe their weight to illness, but make no mistake - the vast majority of fat women are fat because they don't care enough about their weight to do anything about it!

PS chookey - loved the sweeping generalisation. I have gone from dislking big women in tight clothing to mistreating the mentally handicapped. Ignorance indeed. Normally borne from those who like to march in july with their bowler hats and sing derogatory songs, sorry songs encouraging inclusion.
no personal atacks or it will be binned
which is fine by me coz I dont like the thread
no personal atacks or it will be binned
which is fine by me coz I dont like the thread

There are no personal attacks here. Whether you like the thread or not shouldn't be an issue. There's nothing aimed at anyone personally, no offensive language, just a few people's points of view.

Unless of course the rant room is more digitalworldz meets the nanny state!
this is the last Ill be saying on the matter,but watching closely
here is the last part of DW rules

Any member found making racist/religious and/or defamatory comments, inciting anger amongst members; thereby causing distress to them, or their families, WILL be banned.
def·a·ma·tion (df-mshn)
The act of defaming; calumny.
de·fame (d-fm)
tr.v. de·famed, de·fam·ing, de·fames
1. To damage the reputation, character, or good name of by slander or libel. See Synonyms at malign.
2. Archaic To disgrace.

cal·um·ny (klm-n)
n. pl. cal·um·nies
1. A false statement maliciously made to injure another's reputation.
2. The utterance of maliciously false statements; slander.

all in the rules,theres a difference between ranting and being rude and offensive
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wow uve eaten the dictionary.

with you on this one Mr Rat.
Well said Rat totally agree m8 ;)
PS chookey - loved the sweeping generalisation. I have gone from dislking big women in tight clothing to mistreating the mentally handicapped. Ignorance indeed. Normally borne from those who like to march in july with their bowler hats and sing derogatory songs, sorry songs encouraging inclusion.
Read the post agaun mate, nowhere does it say that you have mistreated anyone. Ok you have informed us all that you don't like fat women or anyone who doesn't fall into the 16-30 age bracket wearing tight clothes. I disagree with your views on the basis that everyone, regardless of their physical appearance has a right to enjoy themselves without fear of upsetting the minority.
Anyway this thread is cr*p and I've said my piece.

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