Outside Drain Issue


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Staff member
Aug 12, 2003
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Black Country
Need advise on how to got about fixing this and what to use, my house is ex council house and drain has been like this since I got it but its slowly getting worse, (if that's a word) there is a hole next to the outside drain this is where the water hit when coming out the pipe I have know moved it to the middle of the drain but I need something to fill the hole what's best to use ?

the white stuff is kitchen roll blocking the hole till I fix this correctly.

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You can clean out the crap and just press in a 3:1 mortar mix. Problem is it's gonna come back because the outlet is too far from the drain cover so the water splashes all over. You need to (at least) angle/extend the waste so it's close to the drain cover/grill. Better would be to replace the drain cover with one that has a hole to accept the waste so all the water goes down the drain.

You can get these from B&Q, Jewsons etc. Otherwise in winter water sits around the drain and when it freezes it cracks the mortar. About a tenner or so should sort it M8 :)
I would use good old cement with a waterproofing additive.
Or just bitumen, but that will become soft with heat.
You can clean out the crap and just press in a 3:1 mortar mix. Problem is it's gonna come back because the outlet is too far from the drain cover so the water splashes all over. You need to (at least) angle/extend the waste so it's close to the drain cover/grill. Better would be to replace the drain cover with one that has a hole to accept the waste so all the water goes down the drain.

You can get these from B&Q, Jewsons etc. Otherwise in winter water sits around the drain and when it freezes it cracks the mortar. About a tenner or so should sort it M8 :)

So what your saying it would be better if both pipes was put into the drain, Which will allow the hole to dry out, and I can then fill this with mortar mix sounds like a trip to my local B&Q thanks chaps.

is there anything you can get in a tube like bath sealant!
The closer the outlets are to the drain the better (less spread of water). The left one looks like a rainwater fallpipe? If the water mostly hits the drain then a smooth mortar finish will be fine and you won't need any sealant :)
The left pipe is washing machine and the other is the twin sinks

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Turn the plastic cover so the cut out is nearer the wall. Extend the pipe so it goes straight in to hole from sinks.
Need advise on how to got about fixing this and what to use, my house is ex council house and drain has been like this since I got it but its slowly getting worse, (if that's a word) there is a hole next to the outside drain this is where the water hit when coming out the pipe I have know moved it to the middle of the drain but I need something to fill the hole what's best to use ?

the white stuff is kitchen roll blocking the hole till I fix this correctly.

Pictures below

The pipes need to go into (inside) the waste gully, cut the ends at an angle so they point directly down, or better still use a bend, then you can try cutting the plastic grate to suit the pipes like the one that's on, see the circular cut out bit near the middle, your gully looks like a 4"x4" which by the time you get the two pipes into the gully there would be vey little left of the grate, try cutting it first and see if its ok, if not I would sand cement mortar the top over. To repair the gully surround use sand/cement paint a little pva glue where your pointing and mix a little glue in the mix to stop it coming back out.

It would be a good idea to clean out the gully before you start, get a pair of gauntlet rubber gloves - pound shop do them, carrier bag and scoop out the crap from the trap (straight down) into the bag into bin, have a large bucket of water poured down quickly soon as your finished, breath through your mouth while doing this, lol.
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with advise from you chaps I have the pipes sorted, going to leave mortar mix for a week or so till hole dries out

picture of pipes so far :)



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I have removed all the green mortar round the edge of the drain, it's already for the new mortar hopefully get some tomorrow

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All done and don't look to bad, next job sink tap is dripping :(


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take the tap apart and replace the tap washer should cost less than £1, should be a small screw under the centre of the handle if it's covered it will pop out with a very small screwdriver, when the knob/handle is off you need an adjustable spanner or the exact size spanner would be better if you dont have either a wrench/stillsion will do, but put cardbord or cloth between the jaws as it will damage the tap. I'm guessing you have the tools after doing such a good job on the waste pipes and drain.
when you have removed the cover of the tap unscrew the centre piece you will see a small washer replace it put it all back together no more dripping.
Remember to turn off the water first
Good luck
take the tap apart and replace the tap washer should cost less than £1, should be a small screw under the centre of the handle if it's covered it will pop out with a very small screwdriver, when the knob/handle is off you need an adjustable spanner or the exact size spanner would be better if you dont have either a wrench/stillsion will do, but put cardbord or cloth between the jaws as it will damage the tap. I'm guessing you have the tools after doing such a good job on the waste pipes and drain.
when you have removed the cover of the tap unscrew the centre piece you will see a small washer replace it put it all back together no more dripping.
Remember to turn off the water first
Good luck

Another case of clockers post being deleted?
I had assumed that there was a deleted post before DarkLordBane's post.

My apologies
Another case of clockers post being deleted?

Post #12 M8, I missed it first time too!

Just to add an option, if the tap is a bit old you can get a pair of tap-inserts for about a fiver. Sometimes the better choice if the mechanism is stiff or has other issues.
Tap is all done, had to replace it, as it was leaking for flex pipe where it connects to tap, was a cheap tap from eBay don't always pay saving money. :)

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