ouija boards - scary ? or just skank

Did the ouija board do any thing ?

  • yes i pooped me undercrackers

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • nope... what a load of tosh, how ever i wont stand on the cracks or walk under a ladder

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • never tried one

    Votes: 19 57.6%

  • Total voters

that guy in your avvy looks like the fella from mythbusters

is he maybe trying to bust that myth that you lot keep going on about?

the one that says you won th ecup in 1905?

lol just kiddin bud :)

I've been talking to a glass for the past couple of hours m8.
This post brought to you courtesy of a cheap Cape Cinsault Shiraz :)

haha man that cracked me up

40% cacked there hondas......so far
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No fooking way would I do it!
Yes I'm a believer in that stuff but I wouldn't go there. Seen a ghost myself when I was around 13yrs old and,to this day,it still frightens me to think about it. The hairs on my arms go bolt upright when reminiscing! I'll not go into details but I still won't sit/stand on the bottom of a set of stairs without there being a light on.
Fook that!
EVP scares the crap out of me as well.
Anyway,slightly off-topic but still in a similar vein....have you ever seen/read stuff about the shadow people. Here's a link to get started:

I've made up so many BS stories in the past about ouija boards that I almost scare myself with them.

If anyone in Essex wants to see a real bonafide ghost or experience the supernatural pop into High Beach and check out Hanhmans Hill (aka rolling hill)
Firstly lets expell the fears
Ok heres the thing
Trapped under the glass is air ...Put a few hot fingers on the glass the air begins to heat up and expand. This causes a hovercraft effect and the glass begins to glide easily over the chosen surface. Now lets bring in human nature, this bits difficult and is better talked about over a few pints or some drugs. Simply if the glass ends up @ G and and gary is round the table the glass due to its now airbound capacity and human nature will eventually spell gary. All the other shit is what those around the board are conspiring to believe. And possibly what they think about gary or bob or frank.
confused or enlightened ???
Its due to the expansion of air under the glass and the will of those surrounding it sub concious or not.
Or its the devils work

quick test for budding boarders
do one but beforehand plant an evil name in everyones mind (tell them ZOD will appear) guess what my boarders zod will indeed appear.

Next time plant a different name but be sure to plant it properly say lucifer and keep mentioning the name lucifer.
Sure enough he shall appear.

PS i didnt vote coz there wasnt a i sussed this first time but didnt tell anyone else coz i watched em shit emselves option
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