New Desktop


DW Regular
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Not got Scooby on where todays Desktops are up to. My lad is 14 in a few weeks and wants a desktop. Like most 14 year olds it will be for gaming no doubt.

He's shown me this but I have no this any cop?

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thanks for looking
Mentions 2 graphics cards for some reason. The RTX 2060Ti and the GTX 1660 Super. I can see the 2060 in the crap pictures though. Mentions that it has an i7 9th Gen processor but neglects to say which speed/ model.

Seriously, why do people try and sell their gear and give so very little information on it? No mention of the motherboard or the drive/drives, how big the psu is, what type of ram, etc:
Pet hate of mine, too bone idle to remove the dust before taking the pictures. When a seller leaves so much to be answered I usually move on.

As for it being any good. Hard to tell with the very basic info the seller provides. With the 2060 and an i7 9th Gen it could be worth the money he's asking though. I would ask for the full specs though. Also bear in mind that this machine is definitely way down the ladder of gaming pc's.