neutrino dream plus ultra 0.9b


got my deambox, flashed this image, had it running for few hours no problems yet, only minor stuff, why does the menus shake a tiny bit ? also i set it to to turn off once you press Power button, enable standby Set Off, it just makes the whole box just restart !

seen there is a new Enigma but really like the Neutrino interface layout :)

Just recieved my 'Peng' box and flashed this image on. Works fine. Then tried it with both old and new tuner driver and it worked fine with either, this confused me a bit, does the tuner driver only matter when you are doing a scan? as i didn't try a scan i just loaded my services and boquets straight onto the new image. Just out of interest really.
Does anyone know the default IP of this image? I have a flash that's stuck at the bootscreen, and I was hoping it might have gotten far enough to start up the network.
Yup i like it. Recently received my peng box also and was having a nightmare with bouquets on an enigma image. Put this on and i am much happier with it.

Have set the nuetrino up so it looks like me old Dbox and its working like a charm. Did manage to loose all bouquets and channels last night when creating the bouquets but had saved copy. would not work by just putting it straight back in again. I had to rescan again. Worked after this. It picks up all channels as far as i can see. Very pleased.

One thing i did think of last night when i was searching for answers for my bouquet problem was that the dbox and dreambox development is getting so good you are actually coming to expect a quality product. You kinda forgot that these images are a result of people putting in a lot of their own time and effort. So basically thanks for making this quite easy for others that maybe dont have the time or skills, its certainly appreaciated here. etc etc etc.
Do you know when there will be a update to this? Ive been waiting for ages now :(

First of all, Thanks for such a great package :) All set up with a ready made share folder all configured! I cant belive all the hard work you have put into this.

I have got everything set up and working great, recording, cams, epg etc. The one thing I cant work out how to do is enable the web interface. Where have you hidden the setting lol?
Do you know when there will be a update to this? Ive been waiting for ages now :(


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