CD & DVD nero 5.5 wma


Member ++
Aug 27, 2001
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hi m8s using nero ver5.5 got mp3 disc tried to covert back to wav files messaGE COMING UOP SAYING UNSUPPORTED FORMAT
Hi m8 not sure about your problem but are you using the wizard and setting it to audio cd? before trying to burn your cd.

stewve <img src="smile.gif" border="0">
Well put Steve. Are you sure that it is MP3 and not WMA that you are playing wiith.?
also make sure there are no images in the track list as u get that error when there is.
Personally I think that WMA is not very good. I know that a lot of boffs at MSN put a lot of work into it but MP3 reigns.
The sample rate of the file must be set to a minimum specific rate (can't remember what) or it will not allow recording of it.
Oh yeah - have you installed the WMA plug-in?
You can get 5556 from my site. What exactly is the issue from WMA that you require? Pile of crap wma. Had to convert a few times using soundforge to Wave as a live recording. MS dictate and bloat like yeah! about wma. Sorry. Unimpressed.
sorry for delay like i said on hols,any way first thing first the wma plug in is installed ,yhe reason i need this is i got a cd of a m8 who said it was mp3 format went to convert back to wav to burn ,thats when it comes up with not supported format all tracks are highlited its when you drag them to wav that the prob comes up .cheers
One way round this is to get your vol levels correct. Then play WMA through winamp and record using Soundforge at the same time. You can then edit if required with soundforge and then save as wave or mp3.
Why not just create a folder on desktop and use the sound editor that comes with 5.5 to convert the tracks from MP3 to WAV and save in new folder.

When you have converted all of the tracks you can then burn them from the folder onto CD using create Audio CD in Nero....simple m8 <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
Oh dear here we go again. We are speaking in the tongue of mp3 to wave again and not wma.
Whats WMA got to do with it? never mentioned it <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
I beg your pardon Mik. I am just presuming that wma was what we were discussing by the title of the thread. Sorry bout that m8. Did not mean to offend.
Ok m8

Strange days these...its easy to get confused every now and again <img src="wink.gif" border="0">
One can get a bit confused sometimes through their own error of ways. I sometimes have a tendancy not to read everything in front of my eyes because I dont think that I have time. I tend to skip through sentences with help files especially as long as I have seen the odd sentance here and there. The time elemnt is a real fault. I really am quite a busy bee most of the time and to me, there are not enough hours in the day sometimes.<br />Does anyone else suffer from this. It has now gone 7 and I have not slept for 2 nights solid.<br />No probs. Keep busy everyone. Keep you out of mischief on the streets.
Originally posted by speccy:<br /><strong>It has now gone 7 and I have not slept for 2 nights solid.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Must be all that special brew you should give it a rest for a couple of weeks

<img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0"> <img src="tongue.gif" border="0">
aldo if the files that u have got are mp3 format just drag and drop them to nero they will them convert over as they write but if they are wma (lmao) u can use an other program called tune spark i will post it have fun

<br />davidh
I think that you are right there mik. <br />David, Im sure that would be helpful. I have always had to go round about way when doing this.