need some help - karaoke people


Staff member
Jan 19, 1999
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Hi all,

I have a party I am helping co-ordinate for a good friend (woman).

It's a surprise party and my friend is a good singer (partner of woman), and would like to sing a few songs for her at the party.

I said I would ask about the karaoke on here as I was sure some people used to do it as jobs.


1) Can I use my laptop to play the songs for him?

2) Songs he would like to sing (are they possible):

Eric Clapton - wonderful tonight.
Chris De Burgh - lady in red.
Lionel Richie - Destiny.
Everybody - back street boys - I think a few have to sing this lmao ;)

3) We have propper DJ that plays house and garage (and normal music lol) but I would just like to interface my laptop for 20 minutes for him.

4) I remember when in pubs the discs or songs was on a sun disc or something?

Thanks for any help

I use lappys for my karaoke mick,using virtual dj...depends on your dj's setup but i use the extra vga port on my lappy and connect it to the vga port my 40'' LG...i only use disks for older stuff,now i jus save my files to a 2TB external hard drive...hope this helps

Just too add your dj should have them songs if he's worth his salt lol,if your stuck will go through my collection sure ive got most of them...
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Thanks Guys :)

@override The DJ we have is also a mate, he plays vinyl like me mate... not a karaoke DJ :)

So the songs he wants I just need to download them... but wont they be a special format or something so the writing/lyrics comes up etc...

Cheers Mick
Are you sorted now Mick?

I have a couple of those songs I could put on a disc for you or just upload to dropbox and share with you on that.

Let me know.