Need help upgrading to LT+2.0 from pre flashed liteon 83850c v1


Inactive User
Dec 12, 2005
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Hi there
Can someone please clarify what I need to do to update my drive?
Been working through Jungle flash and tried to repeat what I did previously but it cant extract the key (do I need to do it still?)
The tutorial states I should put the stock fw back on (not sure how to do this - do I use the previous 'dummy' fw as the source?), update the dashboard and flash from there - but it also states that the drive will no longer be a 83850c v1??? Does this mean I'll need to get one of those probe things and mess about opening the actual drive?
Can someone clarify what I need to do before I break it all together?
If I can gather correctly, you are reflashing a drive post the dash board which reflashed all lite-ons to the new fw which runs on all. If you have dumped prior to this, its the same key etc so all is good just copy your old bin info onto LT2.0 and reflash using Lite-On erase method. You cannot dump the 83850c v1 with the latest stock FW without an X360Key/CK3Probe

Hope this helps
You can use your previous "dunmmy.bin" as the source firmware and the ltplus025v2.0 as the target firmware - spoof source to target - then go to MTK Flash 32 and follow the procedure for liteon erase and then write - then outro. Just make sure you are using the correct dummy.bin file so that you have the correct DVD Key!!!!