Need Comprehensive Tutorial

Thanks Rizzo,
I have a working services.xml file from Senor but I'm now just trying to figure out what's wrong with my box - I'm using the old tuner driver also (new one gives scan failure) - this must mean I have a clone box as I bought it 1 month ago - looked like the real thing inside & out.

I also tried recording to my laptop (the main reason I tried this image - less errors on recording) but failed to mount a drive - do I need to know the MAC addr of my laptop? - how do I find this addr?
I wont go into recording ... get osborne in for that. You wont need the mac address but for future ref start - cmd - ok ipconfig /all

just cos it has an old tuner doesnt mean its a clone. DVB shipped lots of boxes with old tuners after the new tuner was created, its all pot luck, there isnt ANY diff between a working clone and the original. None whatsoever.

Try 0.8 and see, I reckon you need a booster. On my dbox AND dreambox I could get all channels with a services but couldnt scan using 99% of images. Got slx booster 14.99 in argos and now can scan and get those channels.

(well just a bit of recording then - this from osborne82 - dont use remote to set it up - use the web interface ..... after that its fairly easy.)
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Ok Kidder,
Got ye on the box - I'm getting a booster

I did use the web interface - will try again

Sorry all - I seem to be a complete incompetent
A lot of people on here never had any problems down to sheer luck, in a way you are quiet fortunate to be having them as when you have figured out the solution you will know more than ost of the peeps ! BTW My booster is turned up to about 2/3 strength. Dont necessarily need full power.

What is the quality on the channels that you cant scan but can see using the services? It should be at least 94%. If its less than this you have a clear signal issue.

Oh and defo try 0.8 before getting it.
Thanks for the support guys - brought a tear to my eye lol

I already ordered a signal booster - this one for 5.99 euro

Did you get your booster in Argos Ireland?

Ye I seem to have a lot of channels with below 94% signal strength - so would this explain my scanning problems you reckon?

I will try 0.8 - will check the downloads

Edit: Thanks Kidder - saw your download - got it - will try tonight
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Neutrino Dreamplus Ultra 0.9b is in the download section if you want to try it.
I know.
I thought you were having problems receiving channels so I just uploaded this to see if you fare any better. It's a backup of my box including all working channels and bouquets.

Had a lot of problems with this image myself, channels not clearing ect
Deleted all files from var/tuxbox/config/zapit/.
FTP cables.xml file over to box and done a fast scan and it seemed to do the trick.
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Thanks Rizzo,
I just dowloaded it

I hate to bring this up but I also seem to be having lip synch issues with present image - was OK with Gemini image - tried a search but no luck so far

Jeysus, is there no end to this?

Edit: maybe the wife was right - "why are you changing it?"
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Can't say I've experienced any lip sync problems; have you tried rebooting the box?

Are all channels now clearing with this image?
Yep, tried rebooting - seems to be a problem when box is left on for a while without rebooting

What do you mean by channels clearing?

I looked at my services.xml which works and then looked at the Kidder's cables.xml which only gave me 15 channels & I found freqs which were not matching so I created my cables.xml attached

It picks up 132 TV & 33 Radio stations
Where are you based Dweeb ? That cables will get you 143 channels on NThell cable in South Central Dublin City.

The change you made to the cables is tiny - I wonder if there is some feature that is disabled that rounds off the signal.

Mine: transponder frequency="355500" symbol_rate="6887000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3" />

Yours: <transponder frequency="356000" symbol_rate="6887000" fec_inner="3" modulation="3"/>

I don't suppose you are in a huge apartment block or something that might affect the transmission ?

So is your scan now picking up all but a few of the channels ? Sounds like progress. : multi :

Can you watch the setanta channels without picture breakup ?

Finally : Did you try out my 0.8 to see could you view the channels ?

Yes argos...

Lip synch crops up regularly - you have to turn off fast zap I think. My mate got that for first time on neutrino just the other day. No its endless . . .
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Yep I'm in Sth Central Dublin - It's amazing what you can tell about soemone just from their transponder frequency, isn't it. So much for Data Protection. Not in apartment block but old house.

You say I should have 143 not 132 TV channels?

Setanta sports channels coming thru OK but some movie chnls are bad.

I didn't get a chance with 0.8 - wanted to get this setup correctly to record & then copy the image before I went to another set of problems

I'll try turning off fast zap

Thanks for the help
143 (though rizzo says 146 grrr, I must be missing 3 !!!)
Actually I might have to revise that number, it seems I have a few duplicate channels.
Does dreamboxedit work with Neutrino images? can't seem to get it to work.
dont talk to me about bouquets. I have never ever once managed to get it working without deleting everything. Try httping in and using the web interface to do it. You might lose all your channels but at least a quick scan gets them back.
They're a nightmare alright.

I don't really want to copy the bouquets over with boxedit, I use a FTP program for that.
I find it handy for looking at the bouquets I've already backed up on my pc.

Cheers, I'll give the http method a go.
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