Need Comprehensive Tutorial


Inactive User
May 11, 2007
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Is there a tut that leads you through the steps after loading a raw image to getting a working cable DM500 box.

I would love to try out a number of images but the family don't want to lose TV viewing for the length of time it takes me to investigate.

I have searched but can't find a tut like this - AFAIK after the image (raw) the next thing to load are CAMS, then Keys, then autoroll keys, then Bouquets?

I don't have an internet connection for the 500 only for the laptop soeverything would have to be loaded there & FTP to 500.

I have a working Dublin Gemini image - is there any way to copy all the necessary files to the laptop & reload them into a new image?

Thanks for all the help - great forum - well worth donating to & keeping alive
Is there a tut that leads you through the steps after loading a raw image to getting a working cable DM500 box.

I would love to try out a number of images but the family don't want to lose TV viewing for the length of time it takes me to investigate.

I have searched but can't find a tut like this - AFAIK after the image (raw) the next thing to load are CAMS, then Keys, then autoroll keys, then Bouquets?

I don't have an internet connection for the 500 only for the laptop soeverything would have to be loaded there & FTP to 500.

I have a working Dublin Gemini image - is there any way to copy all the necessary files to the laptop & reload them into a new image?

Thanks for all the help - great forum - well worth donating to & keeping alive

i posted the dreambox usefull files a long time ago should explain all about setting up a virgin image for the uk should be in the downloads

also have alook at my dreambox how guide it will explain most if not all things :)


I can totally sympathise with you, my family really hate it when I make any changes even if its just the skin! Check out mrdudes backup plugin though i am not 100% certain it works on the Dm500, I use it for backing up my dm600. This plugin makes a full backup of the dreambox and also lets you restore your settings.
Thanks Curious123 & Devilfish,
Once I save services & bouquets form my existing Dublin image, then if I load a new image and reload services & bouquets am I back in action?
Pretty much...yes.

A services file means that you don't need to do a channel scan on a new image. A bouquets file (or userbouquet files) means that you don't have to set the bouquets up from scratch on a new image.

The image still needs to have keys/roms and an emu to decrypt the premium channels.

The keys go in /var/keys and the nagra roms go in /var/scce. These files need to be chmod 755.

The emu file, i.e. mgcamd, evocamd, etc. goes in /var/bin or /var/bin/emu depending on the image.

The image still needs to have a mean of starting or activating the emu. This is usually down via an emu manager by pressing the BLUE button, or it's started via a script.

A lot of images have an download manager menu (yellow, green or blue button) which allows you to download an emu if your box is connected to the internet and it will extract and install it for you. Just depends on what image you are wanting to use.
Ok so is FlashProWizard the only way to copy services.? How do I copy user bouquets? I'm using the Gemini image - Can I copy the keys/roms and an emu from the Gemini image and use them in another image? Remember I can't download directly to the 500 box - the laptop is the only way.

Is there any script which can automate any of this?

I'm sorry for all the questions
I would save the services and bouquets using an ftp program, i.e. FlashFXP, CuteFTP, etc. Simply FTP to the box, navigate to the /var/tuxbox/config folder and save the enigma folder to your PC/laptop. It's easier to save the whole enigma folder rather than individual userbouquet files and services files.

You can get different EMU here...

...but they can be downloaded via one of the menus in the Gemini images.

Yes...I would copy the /var/keys and /var/scce folders from a working image and copy them over to any new image you want to use. This is the best and most effective way, rather than waiting for the emu to update the keys itself.
I tried a couple of images without success

First Neutrino Image didn't boot up
Then tried Puntal but couldn't get user bouquets or services working - couldn't descramble channels
Then tried later Neutrino but can't find anywhere to set up IP addr for FTPing to it
What I have tended to do is after flashing the image is to do full bruteforce scan and than send my bouquet ad services across with Dreambox edit and than load the cams, evocamd 2.13 seems to work best for me. I have found that I always have trouble with Sly 1 when I am trying to descramble but this always seems to sort itself once I copy the keys over to the Dreambox. Once Sly 1 is working everything else seems to start as well but if I have problems descrambling than I generally its because I have not set evocmad as the default. I have unticked the dhcp option on my dreambox so the ip address for me is always the same no matter what image I have flashed on to the box.
Problem is the last Neutrino image doesn't seem to have a bruteforce scane - only the two UK transponders.

Does Dreamedit work over RS232?

I unset the DHCP option but don't know where to find the IP addr - there is a network setup section butI set the IP in there & no FTP or Telnet worked

This is too much like a nightmare - family are now pissed off

I'm going back to the Dublin Gemini Image that somebody else has done all this work on.

I was hoping to try these images for better recording mode but looks like I'll ditch it
Dweeb, try Neutrino 0.9b. Excellent image, and has much better recording than any of the Enigma ones. It's perfect with playback turned off. Some of the other Neutrino images are quite a bit more buggy.

I can't remember if it has bruteforce as default, but there's a full cables.xml in the downloads section you can add.

If your previous image was a maxvar image, you will need to use Dreamup to flash it, though. First choose Flash Erase, then select the image to flash, and when it asks if you want to Flash Erase again, say no.
Yea, that was the first one I tried with Dreamup - wouldn't boot. I'll try again.

I have a services & bouquest rar for Dublin but it didn't do anything when I FTPed it accross to PUNT@L image.

Overall, a very frustrating exercise - there seems to be a combination of bugs, undocumented techniques and variability all compounded by the fact that each attempt to get something working takes 15-20 mins for Dreamup flash followed by 1-2 hrs of flailing about and finally defeat. Life's too short
Yea, that was the first one I tried with Dreamup - wouldn't boot. I'll try again.
It happened to me the first time too. I bet you didn't follow the exact method I explained in my last post.

I have a services & bouquest rar for Dublin but it didn't do anything when I FTPed it accross to PUNT@L image.
Probably a dbox version? Was it two files, services.xml and bouquets.xml? They need to be converted to Enigma or Neutrino Dreambox format, depending on your image. You might also need to chmod 755 the files once copied to the box. You might not, but better to be safe than sorry.

Overall, a very frustrating exercise - there seems to be a combination of bugs, undocumented techniques and variability all compounded by the fact that each attempt to get something working takes 15-20 mins for Dreamup flash followed by 1-2 hrs of flailing about and finally defeat. Life's too short
Don't worry, once you get the hang of it and understand the process better, it all becomes quite easy. I spent my first two days with my box just flashing and re-flashing, and it is frustrating that Dreamup is so slow. Give the Neutrino 0.9b another go. You know you want to. ;)
I think I did follow your instructions but I dont think it asked at the end if I wanted to flash erase again - I think it did it automatically.? Can't exactly remember I've been through so many Flashes.

No I don't think the file is a dbox one - I've attached it for you

I do have a services.xml file for dublin - how do I convert to Enigma or Neutrino DB format? (here we go another trap for the unwary)

2 Days of flashing & you now know you're way around this quagmire? You are a fast learner - I've been pissing about for a week or more and Nada as far as understanding the process - I've dealt with Unix before & it's beauty is it's logicality unlike Windows which is a hodge podge. This seems more like Windoze
I think I did follow your instructions but I dont think it asked at the end if I wanted to flash erase again - I think it did it automatically.? Can't exactly remember I've been through so many Flashes.
The first Flash Erase is manual, you select that from the menu before doing anything else. Once that's done, when you select the image to flash, you will be asked if you want to do another erase, that's where you say no.

No I don't think the file is a dbox one - I've attached it for you
Yep, that's Enigma format. If you copy those to an Enigma image and reload them with...

http://<your box IP>/cgi-bin/reloadUserBouquets
http://<your box IP>/cgi-bin/reloadSettings

... they should work.

I do have a services.xml file for dublin - how do I convert to Enigma or Neutrino DB format? (here we go another trap for the unwary)
Use D2D from the download section. It will convert both Dbox2 services and bouquet files to Dreambox Neutrino format. I had rename my resulting ubouquets.xml to just bouquets.xml, though, and like I said, you may need to chmod 755 the files when you have transferred them over.

2 Days of flashing & you now know you're way around this quagmire? You are a fast learner
I was already a bit of a Dbox2 veteran, so it helped. ;) Also, the images tend to come with a feedback thread where you can benefit from the mistakes of others, and often there's a write-up telling you the best way to flash each image.
Hey Senor ding Dong,
Are you still awake? I have loaded Neutrino 0.9 & it boots but where can I set Ip addr in order to FTP services & bouquets into it?

Edit: Ignore that - it worked this time setting it in the network area
But I do have another question - where on the 500 should I FTP services & bouquets
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Hey Senor ding Dong,
Are you still awake? I have loaded Neutrino 0.9 & it boots but where can I set Ip addr in order to FTP services & bouquets into it?

Edit: Ignore that - it worked this time setting it in the network area
But I do have another question - where on the 500 should I FTP services & bouquets
Services and bouquets go in var/tuxbox/config/zapit/
chmod 755 the files, and if the image has a reload channels function, use that or just reboot the box.

Edit: Reload Channel List is under Service Menu.