Nagra Hex block Decryption

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Thanks, but AFAIK that's the CPU of CI0355 (CAP 102). My question was, what CAP is inside a CI0315 CAM?

Well buy one and etch it or use a laser to remove the caseing :)
I love a Planet full of butter and honey....
hello friends I am glad to be in this forum and be able to help and in something that does not know also help me

I can extract the BK and RSA from South America

caid 1861

if someone could help me I look for the oscam cak7 and the extraction method of the CPU WCPK

the teams here do not have port lan

Greetings from South America
A question to the specialists;
I have a valid cable tv subscription. The binary of my receiver has block 0886.
From the IRD and CAM_ID of my official receiver is it possible to create a 016C block to use on another receiver that uses block 016C ?
The information in this new block 016C, such as rsa_n, rsa_d and boykey would be used in Portuguese netcard clones.

It is possible ?

A question to the specialists;
I have a valid cable tv subscription. The binary of my receiver has block 0886.
From the IRD and CAM_ID of my official receiver is it possible to create a 016C block to use on another receiver that uses block 016C ?
The information in this new block 016C, such as rsa_n, rsa_d and boykey would be used in Portuguese netcard clones.

It is possible ?

Block 0886 has nothing to do with the 016c, they are completely different things.
Block 0886 has nothing .............
I know.
I just want to know if it is possible to create a 016C block using ird and cam id of the signature receiver to use on another receiver.
If I knew how to decode block 0886 I would not be asking this.

It is possible ?

I know.
I just want to know if it is possible to create a 016C block using ird and cam id of the signature receiver to use on another receiver.
If I knew how to decode block 0886 I would not be asking this.

It is possible ?

Just in wonderland!:)
By the way your dump has the block 016c but of course it is encrypted...
Better Late then Never right....

There is still one 0x80 byte of data that was chipered at manufacturing site, using a unique 1024 key unknown, unless u can Factorize 0x80 RSA byte length key good luck..... thats the main key missing, thats why you cannot go further to customize your own block.

and because its sitting on OTP are you simply cannot change it ;) studied it years ago... so once you decrypt last 0x80 bytes you cannot change it, becasue you need to have the correct 1024bits key used on factory to chiper the block of 0x80 data back, its the only way to success, otherwise you will get stuck on boot signature check :p:p:p

Now get crazy and go factorize that last 1024bits N key

Do somebody know how to get public exponent used with this 1024bit rsa in 017c?
Does anybody know the differences between the documented CAK7 global pairing procedure and the CAK6 global pairing procedure?
¿Podría ayudarme? Tengo todos los datos del bloque 016c pero no pude ejecutar cak7
Tengo la tarjeta trabajando solo con los canales sd
y tengo que sacar el HD es proveedor 00 00 72 11 caid 1861 sudamérica

could you help me I have all the data of the 016c block but I could not run cak7
I have the card working only with the sd channels
and I need to take out the HD is provider 00 00 72 11 caid 1861 south america

Searching... 0x 0000006E
String was not found in file

Searching... 0x 0000016C
String was found at offset 0x3FBFC
String lenght 0x200
IRD = 0x 6EF45A6E
IRD = 1861507694

Block Header: 0000016C
IRD = 0x 6EF45A6E
IRD = 1861507694
key(2008) = 142215D25DA3FF8C
key(3008) = 3992102DB9900AC2
key(3140) == (RSA) = A61F08D96107E6CE0ABBCE920E29CF425C9CD8CD7B40106217865FB8DDF28E49C4E5DF3CD8F2DECED682C300F94CA91409E1FEC312F26AF8DBCE364C1AB61949
key(3310) = C617A8DCA554263909A42E19C1D64FEF
key(3460) = A676EB8766719168C11A93CFB688003FCB0B1AE66354609F8D88F9F71F77A43FD25095472C6C6EF93AA8FD60216CD3F30ECC7332E6D227BECE7546D1DE5CBF8F0536378CCFB4D83266613D89AADD5BFE0DE811126503AA4E37AB912431B93F3F
key(3588) = 76F901BE8ABA7DB94B5990469C5CB7C2553174F60906105A7F530440DD8F4037C081792CE8D80FF7711E86097C1660332AD3B67E41B6EAF6058B2095484D2823B86F9E6FD204943CAC509ABD130A81AFCBD4551FE92D543F61D4E7BDA09C282E54C761CD7EBA33C95F6E4420915D1AAFC29E6B32E6F92EB2B68C2DBF6D44EAD0E14B1DC401881760
key(D008) = 085EE43B3AEBB85D
key(E002) = 0001
key(D008) XOR key(3008) == (BoxKey) = 31CCF416837BB29F

Searching... 0x 000001B1
String was not found in file

Searching... 0x 00000097
String was found at offset 0x3FE54
String lenght 0xC0
NUID = 0x 8C78CFFB
NUID = 2356727803

Block Header: 00000097
NUID = 0x 8C78CFFB
NUID = 2356727803
Provider ID: 7211
Header CWPK: 0x81
Header CWPK key sizes: 0x10
CWPK0 encrypted: 08C33789A461D832BBB8BCE9EECE1A8A
CWPK1 encrypted: 2A1517ABA58252316D4FA2AF3BC946F7
CWPK2 encrypted: 5DAEE7651E478A48C22C9718DCC1D1F8
CWPK3 encrypted: AD05F3F778668327D818112C19316A6B
CWPK4 encrypted: E2E942CF4A6CA347874185FE9A420CFE
CWPK5 encrypted: 496A116FFC2A77629D921B7843159C91
CWPK6 encrypted: 0BDB3F557F42AB2CD45F306A3DFD5112
CWPK7 encrypted: E0E3FBE0A8C90C047122C35900AAC1E7


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