Mount problems with hdd and usb VU+ uno


VIP Member
VIP Member
Apr 29, 2007
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I have been setting up an uno but I could not get the image to mount the hdd, it does see the drive and does attempt to mount it but it then fails. I have had this happen in both black hole and vix, open pli is the only image to mount the drive, however once you reboot the box the hdd becomes unmounted and will not mount again and more so it will not even mount a usb drive once this problem has begun to appear.
The VU is an original box as far as I have been told.

Any suggestions welcome here as it's doing my head in.

TB 3.5" HDD I think it's a seagate and the error message is : initializing storage device... Error: Timeout elapsed, sorry

Edit I have just tried mounting the drive in telnet using :- mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

This completes ok so I try mounting using :- mount /dev/sda1 /media/hdd and then I get "mount : can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab

So now I am lost ! Can I edit the hdd path into fstab ? and more wierdly why was it working previously.
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Update for anyone with similar problems

I re-flashed the box and all was ok I then rebooted after installing ts panel 6.9 and the hdd became un-mountable again. I then removed ts panel and downloaded the version from the plugins menu (6.5) and the hdd became mountable again !
Very odd problem and one that I am sure is not just down to ts panel 6.9 as the problem existed using both black hole and vix which i had not installed ts panel on.
Anyhow all seems well now with the uno running open pli 3.0.
Personally never had that problem although i only use Blackhole and have owned every VU+ receiver and everyone has always mounted the Hard drive first time and never lost it
It is an odd one as the image does see the drive but then it fails at 99% when mounting, I have had the box open and no obvious problems with connections and once the drive is mounted it works perfectly.
I might give black hole another try to see if I can get it to mount now.
Update 2

I now have the hdd working in BH also and the issue was coming from the OTA update I think, when you take the update the hdd becomes un-mountable in all images pli,vix and bh. All images seem to be working fine now so long as the box is not updated via the menu.
Moral of the story is avoid the OTA updates and rather annoyingly I already know this really, schoolboy error.
i have been hearing quite a few problems of late and tspanel seems to be mentioned.