monitor standby prob

For the last few weeks my monitor has been playing up. Sometimes it starts no problem when I boot the pc but 9 times out of ten the pc boots and the monitor stays on standby, I have to reboot about 20 times to get it to start.

I have the latest drivers for my gfx card and I checked the monitor settings in control panel...everything looks ok.

Is the mobo gubbed? Only got it 6mnths ago.

anybody got any idea?
sounds more like a connection prob between monitor and graphics card. are you sure all wires are connected securley and the braphics card is seated properly in the pc?

When it boots and stays in standby is this happening for the boot screen as well? I.E can you get into bios etc etc? If not then it doesn;t sound like a driver issue.

Is there any more detail you can give?
I agree with magik it sounds like the monitor isn't receiving a signal from the graphics card to bring it out of standby ......check yr cable and graphics card m8

What type of graphics card you got? and also what type of monitor + connection

my mate had the same problem, i just took it apart, fresh install and it was working again... although his monitor is abit dodgy..
it doesnt even come on for the bios screen, so I guess that rules out the drivers...don't know why I didn't think of that before..doh!

The card is a Geforce 440mx. Thing is though my main card is a Radeon 9800 pro, the Geforce is in coz the cooler on the 9800 is kaput, but I had the same problem with the Radeon.

Maybe a change of cable is in order..could be that simple I suppose, I'll pay a visit to my local purveyor or pc components at the weekend.