Monday 19th Bank Holiday

Should have made it mandatory not optional its a holiday for me
Asked in Wickes this morning if they are shutting on the 19th but was told they do not know yet.
As of this morning, the MD of our company who I work with told me that we are off :)
Our company is giving it but we need to cover 24 7 365 so there will be some on emergency call. They will get a lieu day though
Feel sorry for people that have been waiting for months to see a medical consultant and it gets cancelled.
Yes but its has nothing to do with the funeral,
Its been like this for years
Feel sorry for people that have been waiting for months to see a medical consultant and it gets cancelled.
Mine gets cancelled every 3 months. I haven't had 1 consultant appointment on the original date for over 2 years now. I was due to see 2 separate consultants this Thursday.
One is still going ahead as they mixed my appointment up last month but the other has been re-arranged for the following Thursday. Usually they are put back a month.

The above isn't a dig at the NHS. It just shows the reality of the NHS backlog. I am fully aware that my cancelled appointments may be going to someone who is in the early stages of their diagnosis. I'm lucky. I underwent my surgery pre-Covid.
Yes but its has nothing to do with the funeral,
Its been like this for years
Yes it has been happening for years, but however you look at it appointments will be cancelled as a direct result of the funeral
Yes it has been happening for years, but however you look at it appointments will be cancelled as a direct result of the funeral
Appointments don't get cancelled. They get postponed/deferred till the next earliest opportunity. Even then they will be given based on priority.

If appointments are postponed it would be as an indirect result of the funeral. The Queen didn't choose to die. She never proclaimed that her funeral would be a one-time Bank Holiday. That was a Government decision that allows people to witness the funeral at home if they so wish.
my employer is giving it to us as a bank holiday, however thankfully my employer lets us work bank holidays if we prefer and use the holidays when we want.

I'll be working the monday, I've heard / seen enough coverage recently to last a lifetime.
We royal mail employees got a day off as a bank holiday .👍